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Last active March 24, 2022 05:36
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A saturated submonoid (with zero) of a unique factorization monoid is itself a unique factorization monoid.
import ring_theory.unique_factorization_domain
variables {α : Type*} [cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero α] (s : submonoid α) [hmem : fact ((0 : α) ∈ s)]
abbreviation semi_saturated := ∀ ⦃a b : α⦄, a ∈ s → a ≠ 0 → a * b ∈ s → b ∈ s
abbreviation saturated := ∀ ⦃a b : α⦄, a ∈ s → a ≠ 0 → b ∣ a → b ∈ s
-- a ≠ 0 → a * b ∈ s → b ∈ s
instance [hs : fact (saturated s)] : fact (semi_saturated s) :=
let hs := hs.out in ⟨λ a b ha hn hab, begin
by_cases a * b = 0,
{ rw [(no_zero_divisors.eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero h).resolve_left hn, ← h], exact hab },
{ exact hs hab h (dvd_mul_left b a) },
end ⟩
include hmem
namespace submonoid
instance cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero : cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero s :=
{ zero := ⟨0, hmem.out⟩,
zero_mul := λ _, by { ext, apply zero_mul },
mul_zero := λ _, by { ext, apply mul_zero },
mul_left_cancel_of_ne_zero := λ a b c ha he, by { ext,
exact cancel_monoid_with_zero.mul_left_cancel_of_ne_zero
(λ h, ha $ by { ext, exact h }) (subtype.ext_iff.1 he) },
mul_right_cancel_of_ne_zero := λ a b c ha he, by { ext,
exact cancel_monoid_with_zero.mul_right_cancel_of_ne_zero
(λ h, ha $ by { ext, exact h }) (subtype.ext_iff.1 he) },
.. submonoid.to_comm_monoid s }
omit hmem
variables {s} [hs : fact (semi_saturated s)] {a b : s}
lemma _root_.irreducible.ne_zero' {a : s} (hi : irreducible a) : a.1 ≠ 0 :=
λ h, by { haveI : fact ((0 : α) ∈ s) := ⟨h ▸ a.2⟩, exact hi.ne_zero (subtype.ext h) }
include hs
lemma is_unit_iff : is_unit a ↔ is_unit a.1 :=
⟨ by { repeat { rw is_unit_iff_exists_inv }, exact λ ⟨b,h⟩, ⟨b, subtype.ext_iff.1 h⟩ },
λ hu, by { cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial α; resetI,
{ refine ⟨⟨a,a,_,_⟩,rfl⟩; apply subsingleton.elim },
{ have := hu.ne_zero, replace hs := hs.out,
rw is_unit_iff_exists_inv at hu ⊢, obtain ⟨b,h⟩ := hu,
exact ⟨⟨b, hs a.2 this $ by { rw h, exact s.one_mem }⟩, subtype.ext h ⟩ } } ⟩
lemma dvd_iff : a ∣ b ↔ a.1 ∣ b.1 :=
⟨ λ ⟨c,h⟩, ⟨c.1, subtype.ext_iff.1 h⟩,
λ ⟨c,he⟩, begin
by_cases a.1 = 0, { use a, ext, convert he, simpa [h] }, replace hs := hs.out,
exact ⟨⟨c, hs a.2 h $ by { convert b.2, rw he }⟩, subtype.ext he⟩,
end ⟩
include hmem
lemma prime_of_coe_prime (hp : prime a.1) : prime a :=
⟨ λ h, hp.1 (subtype.ext_iff.1 h), λ h, hp.2.1 $ is_unit_iff.1 h,
λ b c h, by { rw [dvd_iff, dvd_iff], exact hp.2.2 b.1 c.1 (dvd_iff.1 h) } ⟩
omit hmem
omit hs
variable [hs' : fact (saturated s)]
include hs'
lemma mem_of_is_unit {a : α} (hu : is_unit a) : a ∈ s :=
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial α; resetI,
{ convert s.one_mem },
{ have hs := hs'.out, exact hs s.one_mem one_ne_zero (is_unit_iff_dvd_one.1 hu) },
lemma irreducible_iff : irreducible a ↔ irreducible a.1 :=
⟨ λ hi, ⟨ λ hu, hi.not_unit $ is_unit_iff.2 hu,
λ b c h, begin
have hs := hs'.out,
have he : a = ⟨b, hs a.2 hi.ne_zero' $ by { rw h, apply dvd_mul_right }⟩ *
⟨c, hs a.2 hi.ne_zero' $ by { rw h, apply dvd_mul_left }⟩
:= subtype.ext h,
have := hi.is_unit_or_is_unit he, repeat {rw is_unit_iff at this}, exact this,
end ⟩,
λ hi, ⟨ λ hu, hi.not_unit $ is_unit_iff.1 hu,
λ b c h, by { repeat {rw is_unit_iff},
exact hi.is_unit_or_is_unit (subtype.ext_iff.1 h) } ⟩ ⟩
include hmem
lemma ufm (hα : unique_factorization_monoid α) : unique_factorization_monoid s :=
rw unique_factorization_monoid.iff_exists_prime_factors at hα ⊢,
intros a ha, have hs := hs'.out, have ha' : a.1 ≠ 0 := λ h, ha (subtype.ext h),
obtain ⟨w,h,u,hw⟩ := hα a ha',
have : ∀ b ∈ w, b ∈ s,
{ intros b hb, refine hs a.2 ha' ((multiset.dvd_prod hb).trans _),
convert dvd_mul_right _ _, exact hw.symm },
use (λ b, ⟨b, this b b.2⟩), split,
{ rintro ⟨b,hb⟩ hm, rw multiset.mem_map at hm,
obtain ⟨⟨c,hc⟩,_,he⟩ := hm, rw ← he,
exact prime_of_coe_prime (h c hc) },
have : is_unit (⟨u, mem_of_is_unit u.is_unit⟩ : s) := is_unit_iff.2 u.is_unit,
use this.unit, ext, change _ * ↑u = _, convert ← hw,
convert ← multiset.prod_hom _ s.subtype, rw multiset.map_map,
convert w.attach_map_val using 1,
lemma prime_iff [h : unique_factorization_monoid α] : prime a ↔ prime a.1 :=
by { rw [←h.irreducible_iff_prime, ←(ufm h).irreducible_iff_prime], exacts [irreducible_iff, hs'] }
end submonoid
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