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Last active July 20, 2022 02:49
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import measure_theory.measurable_space_def
lemma Sup_mem_of_sup_mem {α} [complete_lattice α] (m : multiset α) (p : set α)
(h : ∀ s ∈ m.powerset, multiset.sup s ∈ p)
(f : ℕ → α) (hf : ∀ i, f i ∈ m) : (⨆ i, f i) ∈ p :=
have hff : (set.range f).finite,
{ apply m.to_finset.finite_to_set.subset,
rintro _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, rw [finset.mem_coe, multiset.mem_to_finset], exact hf i },
change p (Sup _),
rw [← hff.coe_to_finset, ← finset.sup_id_eq_Sup, finset.sup_def, multiset.map_id],
apply h,
rw [multiset.mem_powerset, finset.val_le_iff_val_subset],
intros a ha, obtain ⟨i, rfl⟩ := hff.mem_to_finset.1 ha, exact hf i,
lemma list.sublists'_map {α β} (l : list α) (f : α → β) :
( f).sublists' = l.sublists'.map ( f) :=
induction l with hd tl ih, { refl },
{ simpa only [list.map_cons, list.sublists'_cons, list.map_append, ih, list.map_map] },
lemma multiset.powerset_map {α β} (s : multiset α) (f : α → β) :
( f).powerset = ( f) :=
rw ← s.coe_to_list,
simpa only [multiset.powerset_coe', multiset.coe_map, list.sublists'_map, list.map_map],
lemma multiset.sup_map_finset_coe {α} [decidable_eq α] (s : multiset (finset α)) :
( coe : multiset (set α)).sup = s.sup :=
induction s using multiset.induction with a s ih, { refl },
{ simpa only [multiset.sup_cons, multiset.map_cons, finset.sup_eq_union, finset.coe_union, ih] },
lemma Sup_mem_of_map_sup_mem {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : multiset $ finset α) (p : set (set α))
(h : ∀ s ∈ m.powerset, ↑(multiset.sup s) ∈ p)
(f : ℕ → set α) (hf : ∀ i, f i ∈ (coe : finset α → set α)) : (⨆ i, f i) ∈ p :=
refine Sup_mem_of_sup_mem _ p (λ _ hs, _) _ hf,
rw [multiset.powerset_map, multiset.mem_map] at hs,
obtain ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩ := hs,
rw multiset.sup_map_finset_coe,
exact h s hs,
local notation `f4` := finset (fin 4)
lemma mysig_aux :
({{0,1}, {2,3}, {0,1,2,3}, ∅} : set $ set $ fin 4) =
{x | x = ({0,1}:f4) ∨ x = ({2,3}:f4) ∨ x = ({0,1,2,3}:f4) ∨ x = (∅:f4)} :=
by congr; { ext, exact (or_false _).symm }
set_option profiler true
/- elaboration of mysig took 3.02s -/
def mysig : measurable_space (fin 4) :=
{ measurable_set' := (∈ ({{0,1}, {2,3}, {0,1,2,3}, ∅} : set $ set $ fin 4)),
measurable_set_empty := or.inr (or.inr $ or.inr rfl),
measurable_set_compl := begin
simp_rw [mysig_aux, set.mem_set_of],
rintro _ (rfl|rfl|rfl|rfl),
all_goals { rw ← finset.coe_compl, simp only [finset.coe_inj], dec_trivial },
measurable_set_Union := λ f hf, begin
rw mysig_aux at hf ⊢,
fapply Sup_mem_of_map_sup_mem,
{ exact {{0,1}, {2,3}, {0,1,2,3}, ∅} },
{ simp_rw set.mem_set_of,
rintro _ (h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|h|⟨⟨⟩⟩),
all_goals { subst h, simp only [finset.coe_inj], dec_trivial } },
{ exact λ i, (hf i).imp id (or.imp id $ or.imp id (or_false _).2) },
end }
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