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Last active August 3, 2022 04:47
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Algebraic closure via Zorn's lemma (wrong approach, can't take direct limit without commutativity).
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.basic
universe u
variables (k : Type u) [field k]
structure alg_extension :=
(K : Type u)
(field : field K)
(algebra : algebra k K)
(is_algebraic : _root_.algebra.is_algebraic k K)
instance : preorder (alg_extension k) :=
{ le := by { rintro ⟨K₁⟩ ⟨K₂⟩, exactI nonempty (K₁ →ₐ[k] K₂) },
le_refl := by { rintro ⟨K⟩, exactI ⟨ k K⟩ },
le_trans := by { rintro ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨f₁⟩ ⟨f₂⟩, exactI ⟨f₂.comp f₁⟩ } }
namespace polynomial
open_locale polynomial
variables {R S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] [is_domain R] [is_domain S]
lemma map_roots_le (f : R →+* S) (p : R[X]) (h : f ≠ 0) : f ≤ ( f).roots :=
rw [← roots_multiset_prod_X_sub_C ( f), multiset.map_map],
apply roots.le_of_dvd h,
convert polynomial.map_dvd _ (prod_multiset_X_sub_C_dvd p),
rw [polynomial.map_multiset_prod, multiset.map_map],
congr, ext1, dsimp only [function.comp_app],
rw [polynomial.map_sub, map_X, map_C],
lemma card_roots_le_map (f : R →+* S) (p : R[X]) (h : f ≠ 0) :
p.roots.card ≤ ( f).roots.card :=
by { rw ← p.roots.card_map f, exact multiset.card_le_of_le (map_roots_le f p h) }
end polynomial
lemma max_is_alg_closure {K : alg_extension k} (h : is_max K) :
by { letI := K.field, letI := K.algebra, exact is_alg_closure k K.K } :=
split, swap, { exact K.is_algebraic },
apply is_alg_closed.of_exists_root,
by_contra, push_neg at h,
obtain ⟨p, mp, ip, hp⟩ := h,
casesI K,
haveI := ip,
have har : algebra.is_algebraic k (adjoin_root p),
{ apply algebra.is_algebraic_trans K_is_algebraic,
iterate 2 { swap, apply_instance },
convert algebra.is_algebraic_of_finite _ _,
exact power_basis.finite_dimensional (adjoin_root.power_basis ip.ne_zero) },
let ah := is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom k K_K (adjoin_root p),
specialize @h ⟨adjoin_root p, infer_instance, infer_instance, har⟩ ⟨ah⟩,
let q := minpoly k (adjoin_root.root p),
let c1 := ( $ algebra_map k K_K).roots.card,
let c2 := ( $ algebra_map k $ adjoin_root p).roots.card,
cases h,
have mq : q.monic := minpoly.monic (is_algebraic_iff_is_integral.1 $ har _),
have c21 : c2 ≤ c1,
{ convert polynomial.card_roots_le_map h.to_ring_hom _ (( _).map _).ne_zero,
erw [polynomial.map_map, alg_hom.comp_algebra_map] },
obtain ⟨r, hr⟩ : p ∣ (algebra_map k K_K),
{ convert minpoly.dvd_map_of_is_scalar_tower k K_K (adjoin_root.root p),
rw [adjoin_root.minpoly_root mp.ne_zero, mp.leading_coeff, inv_one, polynomial.C_1, mul_one] },
apply c21.not_lt, -- show c1 < c2
dsimp only [c1, c2],
rw [← ah.comp_algebra_map, ← polynomial.map_map, hr, polynomial.map_mul],
iterate 2 { rw [polynomial.roots_mul, multiset.card_add] },
{ apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le _ (polynomial.card_roots_le_map _ _ _), swap,
{ apply ((mp.of_mul_monic_left $ hr.subst $ _).map _).ne_zero, apply_instance },
convert multiset.card_pos.2 _,
{ rw [multiset.card_eq_zero, multiset.eq_zero_iff_forall_not_mem],
refine λ a ha, hp a ((polynomial.mem_roots ip.ne_zero).1 ha) },
{ exact λ re0, multiset.eq_zero_iff_forall_not_mem.1 re0 (adjoin_root.root p)
((polynomial.mem_roots $ ( _).ne_zero).2 $ adjoin_root.is_root_root p) } },
{ rw ← polynomial.map_mul, exact ((hr.subst $ _).map _).ne_zero },
{ exact (hr.subst $ _).ne_zero },
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