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Edited FFT for android.
* Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008 by Damien Di Fede <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* FFT stands for Fast Fourier Transform. It is an efficient way to calculate the Complex Discrete Fourier Transform. There is not
* much to say about this class other than the fact that when you want to analyze the spectrum of an audio buffer you will almost
* always use this class. One restriction of this class is that the audio buffers you want to analyze must have a length that is a
* power of two. If you try to construct an FFT with a <code>timeSize</code> that is not a power of two, an
* IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
* @author Damien Di Fede
* @see FourierTransform
* @see <a href="">The Fast Fourier Transform</a>
public class FFT extends FourierTransform {
* Constructs an FFT that will accept sample buffers that are <code>timeSize</code> long and have been recorded with a sample
* rate of <code>sampleRate</code>. <code>timeSize</code> <em>must</em> be a power of two. This will throw an exception if it
* is not.
* @param timeSize the length of the sample buffers you will be analyzing
* @param sampleRate the sample rate of the audio you will be analyzing
public FFT(int timeSize, float sampleRate) {
super(timeSize, sampleRate);
if ((timeSize & (timeSize - 1)) != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FFT: timeSize must be a power of two.");
protected void allocateArrays() {
spectrum = new float[timeSize / 2 + 1];
real = new float[timeSize];
imag = new float[timeSize];
// performs an in-place fft on the data in the real and imag arrays
// bit reversing is not necessary as the data will already be bit reversed
private void fft() {
for (int halfSize = 1; halfSize < real.length; halfSize *= 2) {
// float k = -(float)Math.PI/halfSize;
// phase shift step
// float phaseShiftStepR = (float)Math.cos(k);
// float phaseShiftStepI = (float)Math.sin(k);
// using lookup table
float phaseShiftStepR = cos(halfSize);
float phaseShiftStepI = sin(halfSize);
// current phase shift
float currentPhaseShiftR = 1.0f;
float currentPhaseShiftI = 0.0f;
for (int fftStep = 0; fftStep < halfSize; fftStep++) {
for (int i = fftStep; i < real.length; i += 2 * halfSize) {
int off = i + halfSize;
float tr = (currentPhaseShiftR * real[off]) - (currentPhaseShiftI * imag[off]);
float ti = (currentPhaseShiftR * imag[off]) + (currentPhaseShiftI * real[off]);
real[off] = real[i] - tr;
imag[off] = imag[i] - ti;
real[i] += tr;
imag[i] += ti;
float tmpR = currentPhaseShiftR;
currentPhaseShiftR = (tmpR * phaseShiftStepR) - (currentPhaseShiftI * phaseShiftStepI);
currentPhaseShiftI = (tmpR * phaseShiftStepI) + (currentPhaseShiftI * phaseShiftStepR);
public void forward(float[] buffer) {
if (buffer.length != timeSize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FFT.forward: The length of the passed sample buffer must be equal to timeSize().");
// copy samples to real/imag in bit-reversed order
// perform the fft
// fill the spectrum buffer with amplitudes
private int[] reverse;
private void buildReverseTable() {
int N = timeSize;
reverse = new int[N];
// set up the bit reversing table
reverse[0] = 0;
for (int limit = 1, bit = N / 2; limit < N; limit <<= 1, bit >>= 1)
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
reverse[i + limit] = reverse[i] + bit;
// copies the values in the samples array into the real array
// in bit reversed order. the imag array is filled with zeros.
private void bitReverseSamples(float[] samples) {
for (int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
real[i] = samples[reverse[i]];
imag[i] = 0.0f;
// lookup tables
private float[] sinlookup;
private float[] coslookup;
private float sin(int i) {
return sinlookup[i];
private float cos(int i) {
return coslookup[i];
private void buildTrigTables() {
int N = timeSize;
sinlookup = new float[N];
coslookup = new float[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sinlookup[i] = (float) Math.sin(-(float) Math.PI / i);
coslookup[i] = (float) Math.cos(-(float) Math.PI / i);
* Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008 by Damien Di Fede <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* A Fourier Transform is an algorithm that transforms a signal in the time domain, such as a sample buffer, into a signal in the
* frequency domain, often called the spectrum. The spectrum does not represent individual frequencies, but actually represents
* frequency bands centered on particular frequencies. The center frequency of each band is usually expressed as a fraction of the
* sampling rate of the time domain signal and is equal to the index of the frequency band divided by the total number of bands.
* The total number of frequency bands is usually equal to the length of the time domain signal, but access is only provided to
* frequency bands with indices less than half the length, because they correspond to frequencies below the <a
* href="">Nyquist frequency</a>. In other words, given a signal of length
* <code>N</code>, there will be <code>N/2</code> frequency bands in the spectrum.
* <p/>
* As an example, if you construct a FourierTransform with a <code>timeSize</code> of 1024 and and a <code>sampleRate</code> of
* 44100 Hz, then the spectrum will contain values for frequencies below 22010 Hz, which is the Nyquist frequency (half the sample
* rate). If you ask for the value of band number 5, this will correspond to a frequency band centered on
* <code>5/1024 * 44100 = 0.0048828125 * 44100 = 215 Hz</code>. The width of that frequency band is equal to <code>2/1024</code>,
* expressed as a fraction of the total bandwidth of the spectrum. The total bandwith of the spectrum is equal to the Nyquist
* frequency, which in this case is 22100, so the bandwidth is equal to about 50 Hz. It is not necessary for you to remember all
* of these relationships, though it is good to be aware of them. The function <code>getFreq()</code> allows you to query the
* spectrum with a frequency in Hz and the function <code>getBandWidth()</code> will return the bandwidth in Hz of each frequency
* band in the spectrum.
* <p/>
* <b>Usage</b>
* <p/>
* A typical usage of a FourierTransform is to analyze a signal so that the frequency spectrum may be represented in some way,
* typically with vertical lines. You could do this in Processing with the following code, where <code>audio</code> is an
* AudioSource and <code>fft</code> is an FFT (one of the derived classes of FourierTransform).
* <p/>
* <pre>
* fft.forward(audio.left);
* for (int i = 0; i < fft.specSize(); i++) {
* // draw the line for frequency band i, scaling it by 4 so we can see it a bit better
* line(i, height, i, height - fft.getBand(i) * 4);
* }
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <b>Windowing</b>
* <p/>
* Windowing is the process of shaping the audio samples before transforming them to the frequency domain. If you call the
* <code>window()</code> function with an appropriate constant, such as FourierTransform.HAMMING, the sample buffers passed to the
* object for analysis will be shaped by the current window before being transformed. The result of using a window is to reduce
* the noise in the spectrum somewhat.
* <p/>
* <b>Averages</b>
* <p/>
* FourierTransform also has functions that allow you to request the creation of an average spectrum. An average spectrum is
* simply a spectrum with fewer bands than the full spectrum where each average band is the average of the amplitudes of some
* number of contiguous frequency bands in the full spectrum.
* <p/>
* <code>linAverages()</code> allows you to specify the number of averages that you want and will group frequency bands into
* groups of equal number. So if you have a spectrum with 512 frequency bands and you ask for 64 averages, each average will span
* 8 bands of the full spectrum.
* <p/>
* <code>logAverages()</code> will group frequency bands by octave and allows you to specify the size of the smallest octave to
* use (in Hz) and also how many bands to split each octave into. So you might ask for the smallest octave to be 60 Hz and to
* split each octave into two bands. The result is that the bandwidth of each average is different. One frequency is an octave
* above another when it's frequency is twice that of the lower frequency. So, 120 Hz is an octave above 60 Hz, 240 Hz is an
* octave above 120 Hz, and so on. When octaves are split, they are split based on Hz, so if you split the octave 60-120 Hz in
* half, you will get 60-90Hz and 90-120Hz. You can see how these bandwidths increase as your octave sizes grow. For instance, the
* last octave will always span <code>sampleRate/4 - sampleRate/2</code>, which in the case of audio sampled at 44100 Hz is
* 11025-22010 Hz. These logarithmically spaced averages are usually much more useful than the full spectrum or the linearly
* spaced averages because they map more directly to how humans perceive sound.
* <p/>
* <code>calcAvg()</code> allows you to specify the frequency band you want an average calculated for. You might ask for 60-500Hz
* and this function will group together the bands from the full spectrum that fall into that range and average their amplitudes
* for you.
* <p/>
* If you don't want any averages calculated, then you can call <code>noAverages()</code>. This will not impact your ability to
* use <code>calcAvg()</code>, it will merely prevent the object from calculating an average array every time you use
* <code>forward()</code>.
* <p/>
* <b>Inverse Transform</b>
* <p/>
* FourierTransform also supports taking the inverse transform of a spectrum. This means that a frequency spectrum will be
* transformed into a time domain signal and placed in a provided sample buffer. The length of the time domain signal will be
* <code>timeSize()</code> long. The <code>set</code> and <code>scale</code> functions allow you the ability to shape the spectrum
* already stored in the object before taking the inverse transform. You might use these to filter frequencies in a spectrum or
* modify it in some other way.
* @author Damien Di Fede
* @see <a href="">The Discrete Fourier Transform</a>
public abstract class FourierTransform {
* A constant indicating no window should be used on sample buffers.
private static final int NONE = 0;
* A constant indicating a Hamming window should be used on sample buffers.
private static final int HAMMING = 1;
private static final int LINAVG = 2;
private static final int LOGAVG = 3;
private static final int NOAVG = 4;
private static final float TWO_PI = (float) (2 * Math.PI);
int timeSize;
private int sampleRate;
private float bandWidth;
private int whichWindow;
float[] real;
float[] imag;
float[] spectrum;
private float[] averages;
private int whichAverage;
int octaves;
int avgPerOctave;
* Construct a FourierTransform that will analyze sample buffers that are <code>ts</code> samples long and contain samples with
* a <code>sr</code> sample rate.
* @param ts the length of the buffers that will be analyzed
* @param sr the sample rate of the samples that will be analyzed
FourierTransform(int ts, float sr) {
timeSize = ts;
sampleRate = (int) sr;
bandWidth = (2f / timeSize) * ((float) sampleRate / 2f);
whichWindow = NONE;
// allocating real, imag, and spectrum are the responsibility of derived
// classes
// because the size of the arrays will depend on the implementation being used
// this enforces that responsibility
protected abstract void allocateArrays();
// fill the spectrum array with the amps of the data in real and imag
// used so that this class can handle creating the average array
// and also do spectrum shaping if necessary
void fillSpectrum() {
for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
spectrum[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(real[i] * real[i] + imag[i] * imag[i]);
if (whichAverage == LINAVG) {
int avgWidth = spectrum.length / averages.length;
for (int i = 0; i < averages.length; i++) {
float avg = 0;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < avgWidth; j++) {
int offset = j + i * avgWidth;
if (offset < spectrum.length) {
avg += spectrum[offset];
} else {
avg /= j + 1;
averages[i] = avg;
} else if (whichAverage == LOGAVG) {
for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) {
float lowFreq, hiFreq, freqStep;
if (i == 0) {
lowFreq = 0;
} else {
lowFreq = (sampleRate / 2) / (float) Math.pow(2, octaves - i);
hiFreq = (sampleRate / 2) / (float) Math.pow(2, octaves - i - 1);
freqStep = (hiFreq - lowFreq) / avgPerOctave;
float f = lowFreq;
for (int j = 0; j < avgPerOctave; j++) {
int offset = j + i * avgPerOctave;
averages[offset] = calcAvg(f, f + freqStep);
f += freqStep;
* Sets the object to not compute averages.
private void noAverages() {
averages = new float[0];
whichAverage = NOAVG;
void doWindow(float[] samples) {
switch (whichWindow) {
// windows the data in samples with a Hamming window
private void hamming(float[] samples) {
for (int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
samples[i] *= (0.54f - 0.46f * Math.cos(TWO_PI * i / (samples.length - 1)));
* Returns the amplitude of the requested frequency band.
* @param i the index of a frequency band
* @return the amplitude of the requested frequency band
private float getBand(int i) {
if (i < 0) i = 0;
if (i > spectrum.length - 1) i = spectrum.length - 1;
return spectrum[i];
* Returns the width of each frequency band in the spectrum (in Hz). It should be noted that the bandwidth of the first and
* last frequency bands is half as large as the value returned by this function.
* @return the width of each frequency band in Hz.
private float getBandWidth() {
return bandWidth;
* Returns the index of the frequency band that contains the requested frequency.
* @param freq the frequency you want the index for (in Hz)
* @return the index of the frequency band that contains freq
private int freqToIndex(float freq) {
// special case: freq is lower than the bandwidth of spectrum[0]
if (freq < getBandWidth() / 2) return 0;
// special case: freq is within the bandwidth of spectrum[spectrum.length - 1]
if (freq > sampleRate / 2 - getBandWidth() / 2) return spectrum.length - 1;
// all other cases
float fraction = freq / (float) sampleRate;
return Math.round(timeSize * fraction);
* Gets the amplitude of the requested frequency in the spectrum.
* @param freq the frequency in Hz
* @return the amplitude of the frequency in the spectrum
public float getFreq(float freq) {
return getBand(freqToIndex(freq));
* Calculate the average amplitude of the frequency band bounded by <code>lowFreq</code> and <code>hiFreq</code>, inclusive.
* @param lowFreq the lower bound of the band
* @param hiFreq the upper bound of the band
* @return the average of all spectrum values within the bounds
private float calcAvg(float lowFreq, float hiFreq) {
int lowBound = freqToIndex(lowFreq);
int hiBound = freqToIndex(hiFreq);
float avg = 0;
for (int i = lowBound; i <= hiBound; i++) {
avg += spectrum[i];
avg /= (hiBound - lowBound + 1);
return avg;
* Performs a forward transform on <code>buffer</code>.
* @param buffer the buffer to analyze
public abstract void forward(float[] buffer);
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