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Script to setup Monit to autorestart a hanged php-fpm for CentOS
yum -y install monit
chkconfig monit on
echo 'set daemon 10 # check services at 30 seconds intervals
set logfile syslog
set httpd port 2812 and
use address localhost # only accept connection from localhost
allow localhost # allow localhost to connect to the server and
allow admin:monit # require user admin with password monit
set daemon 10
include /etc/monit.d/*
' > /etc/monit.conf
echo '
### Monitoring TCP socket php-fpm: the parent process.
check process php-fpm with pidfile /var/run/php-fpm/
group phpcgi-tcp # phpcgi-tcp group
start program = "/etc/init.d/php-fpm start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/php-fpm stop"
if failed port 9000 # we"re running it on port 9000
## This was stolen from here:
## and here:
## Send FastCGI packet: version 1 (0x01), cmd FCGI_GET_VALUES (0x09)
## padding 8 bytes (0x08), followed by 8xNULLs padding.
## This follows the FCGI spec at
## 1. Version - 1 byte (version 1).
## 2. Type - 1 byte (FCGI_GET_VALUES = 9).
## 3. Request ID - 2 bytes (set to 0 - null request ID).
## 4. Content length - 2 bytes (set to 0).
## 5. Padding length - 1 byte (set to 8).
## 6. Reserved - 1 byte (set to 0).
## 7. Content data - variable size set to NULL.
## 8. Padding data - variable size set to 8 bytes (all NULL).
send "\0x01\0x09\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x08\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00"
## Expect FastCGI packet: version 1 (0x01), resp FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT (0x0A).
## 1. Version - 1 byte (version 1).
## 2. Type - 1 byte (FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT = 10).
expect "\0x01\0x0A"
## Timeout because we don"t care about anything else then the two initial bytes.
timeout 2 seconds
then restart
## If the restarts attempts fail then alert.
# if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
depends on php-fpm-tcp_bin
depends on php-fpm-tcp_init
alert only on {timeout}
## Test the php-fpm binary.
check file php-fpm-tcp_bin with path /usr/sbin/php-fpm
group phpcgi-tcp
if failed checksum then unmonitor
if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
if failed uid root then unmonitor
if failed gid root then unmonitor
## Test the init scripts.
check file php-fpm-tcp_init with path /etc/init.d/php-fpm
group phpcgi-tcp
if failed checksum then unmonitor
if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
if failed uid root then unmonitor
if failed gid root then unmonitor
' > /etc/monit.d/php-fpm
service monit restart
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