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Last active June 14, 2016 12:03
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toodledo_a toodledo tasks analytic script.
# coding=utf-8
import csv
import argparse
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
from dateutil import relativedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from unicode_csv import UnicodeReader, UnicodeWriter
class Todo(object):
def from_fields(fields):
that = Todo()
that.task = fields[0]
that.folder = fields[1]
that.context = fields[2]
that.goal = fields[3]
that.location = fields[4]
that.start_date = parse(fields[5])
that.start_time = parse(fields[6])
that.due_date = parse(fields[7])
that.duet_ime = parse(fields[8])
that.repeat = fields[9]
that.length = int(fields[10]) if fields[10] else None
that.timer = int(fields[11]) if fields[11] else None
that.priority = fields[12]
that.tag = fields[13]
that.status = fields[14] = fields[15]
that.note = fields[16]
that.completed = parse(fields[17])
return that
def get_todos_from_reader(reader):
todos = []
for i, fields in enumerate(reader):
if i == 0:
todo = Todo.from_fields(fields)
return sorted(todos,key=lambda x: x.completed)
def get_latest_todos(todos, days=7):
today_end =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)
return [x for x in todos if today_end - x.completed <= timedelta(days=days)]
def group_by_value(todos, value_name, value_list):
if len(todos) == 0:
return []
last_todo = todos[0]
value_dict = OrderedDict()
for value in value_list:
value_dict[value] = 0
csv_res = [[None, value_dict]]
for todo in todos:
if todo.completed - last_todo.completed == timedelta(0):
row = csv_res[-1]
row[0] = datetime.strftime(todo.completed, '%Y-%m-%d')
value_dict = OrderedDict()
for value in value_list:
value_dict[value] = 0
row = [datetime.strftime(todo.completed, '%Y-%m-%d'), value_dict]
row[1][getattr(todo, value_name)] += todo.timer or 0
last_todo = todo
return csv_res
def write_group_by_one_filed(todos, output_path, value_name, values_list):
csv_file = open(output_path, 'wb')
res = group_by_value(todos, value_name, values_list)
print 'write: %s' % output_path
writer = UnicodeWriter(csv_file)
row = ['complete']
for row in res:
output_row = [row[0]]
for _, v in row[1].items():
def main():
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
arg_parser.add_argument('--days', type=int, default=7)
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
todo_csv_str = open(args.path, 'rb')
reader = UnicodeReader(todo_csv_str)
todos = get_todos_from_reader(reader)
latest_todos = get_latest_todos(todos, days=args.days)
folders = list(set([x.folder for x in todos]))
contexts = list(set([x.context for x in todos]))
goals = list(set([x.goal for x in todos]))
write_group_by_one_filed(latest_todos, args.path + '_group_by_folder.csv', 'folder', folders)
write_group_by_one_filed(latest_todos, args.path + '_group_by_context.csv', 'context', contexts)
write_group_by_one_filed(latest_todos, args.path + '_group_by_goal.csv', 'goal', goals)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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