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Created August 19, 2022 01:48
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Реализация тестового задания на примере
open System
open System.IO
let num () = Random.Shared.Next(0, 10_000)
let alf =
[| ' ' |]
|> Array.append [| 'A' .. 'Z' |]
|> Array.append [| 'a' .. 'z' |]
let str () =
[| for i = 0 to Random.Shared.Next(20, 100) do
yield alf.[Random.Shared.Next(0, alf.Length)] |]
let gen count =
Seq.init count (fun i -> $"{num ()}.{str ()}")
let count = 2_000_000
let source = $"L{count}.txt"
let dist = $"S{count}.txt"
let do_it () =
File.WriteAllLines(source, gen count)
|> Seq.sortWith (fun s1 s2 ->
let p1 = s1.IndexOf('.')
let v1 = s1.AsSpan(p1 + 2)
let p2 = s2.IndexOf('.')
let v2 = s2.AsSpan(p2 + 2)
let vc =
v1.CompareTo(v2, StringComparison.Ordinal)
if not (vc = 0) then
let n1 = Int32.Parse(s1.AsSpan(0, p1))
let n2 = Int32.Parse(s2.AsSpan(0, p2))
|> fun result -> File.WriteAllLines(dist, result)
do_it ()
C:\tmp\tests\Stream.Profiling\Stream.Profiling>dotnet run
Execution took: 00:00:57.0215479
C:\tmp\tests\1>dotnet fsi --exec sortfile.fsx
Real: 00:00:13.280, ЦП: 00:00:13.687, GC gen0: 2051, gen1: 23, gen2: 3
WOW! In 4.4 faster! I am shocked!
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