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Created September 1, 2013 21:08
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KSP 2D Ascent Trajectory Optimization with PSOPT
// KSP 2D Ascent Trajectory Optimization Problem
#include "psopt.h"
/////////////////// Define the end point (Mayer) cost function //////////
adouble endpoint_cost(adouble* initial_states, adouble* final_states,
adouble* parameters,adouble& t0, adouble& tf,
adouble* xad, int iphase)
adouble mf = final_states[3];
return -mf;
/////////////////// Define the integrand (Lagrange) cost function //////
adouble integrand_cost(adouble* states, adouble* controls,
adouble* parameters, adouble& time, adouble* xad,
int iphase)
return 0.0;
/////////////////// Define the DAE's ////////////////////////////////////
void dae(adouble* derivatives, adouble* path, adouble* states,
adouble* controls, adouble* parameters, adouble& time,
adouble* xad, int iphase)
adouble Dr, Drdot, Dthetadot, Dm;
adouble r = states[0];
adouble rdot = states[1];
adouble thetadot = states[2];
adouble m = states[3];
adouble Tr = controls[0];
adouble Ttheta = controls[1];
double Cd = 0.2;
double Kp = 1.2230948554874*0.008;
double P0 = 1.0;
double rmin = 600000.0;
double g0 = 9.8;
double mu = 3.5316e12;
double H0 = 5000.0;
double Isp0 = 320.0;
double Ispvac = 370.0;
double omegarot = 2.0*pi/21600.0;
adouble P = P0*exp(-(r-rmin)/H0);
adouble Isp_lerp = P*Isp0+(1.0-P)*Ispvac;
adouble drag_multiplier = -0.5*Kp*P*Cd;
adouble a_grav = -mu/(r*r);
adouble vrelsq = pow(rdot, 2) + pow(r*(thetadot-omegarot),2);
adouble Fdtangent = drag_multiplier*sqrt(vrelsq)*r*(thetadot-omegarot);
adouble Fdradial = drag_multiplier*sqrt(vrelsq)*rdot;
adouble Tmag = sqrt(Tr*Tr+Ttheta*Ttheta);
Dr = rdot;
Drdot = Tr/m+a_grav+Fdradial;
Dthetadot = (1.0/r)*(Ttheta/m+Fdtangent-2.0*rdot*thetadot);
Dm = -Tmag/(g0*Isp_lerp);
derivatives[0] = Dr;
derivatives[1] = Drdot;
derivatives[2] = Dthetadot;
derivatives[3] = Dm;
path[0] = Tmag;
/////////////////// Define the events function ////////////////////////////
void events(adouble* e, adouble* initial_states, adouble* final_states,
adouble* parameters,adouble& t0, adouble& tf, adouble* xad,
int iphase)
adouble ri = initial_states[0];
adouble rdoti = initial_states[1];
adouble thetadoti = initial_states[2];
adouble mi = initial_states[3];
adouble rf = final_states[0];
adouble rdotf = final_states[1];
adouble thetadotf = final_states[2];
e[0] = ri;
e[1] = rdoti;
e[2] = thetadoti;
e[3] = mi;
e[4] = rf;
e[5] = rdotf;
e[6] = thetadotf;
/////////////////// Define the phase linkages function ///////////////////
void linkages( adouble* linkages, adouble* xad)
// No linkages as this is a single phase problem
/////////////////// Define the main routine ///////////////////////////////
int main(void)
/////////////////// Declare key structures ////////////////////////////////
Alg algorithm;
Sol solution;
Prob problem;
/////////////////// Register problem name ////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = "KSP Maximum Profile";
problem.outfilename = "ksp.txt";
int nodecount = 60;
//////////// Declare problem level constants & setup phases //////////////
problem.nphases = 1;
problem.nlinkages = 0;
///////// Define phase related information & setup PSOPT /////////////////
problem.phases(1).nstates = 4;
problem.phases(1).ncontrols = 2;
problem.phases(1).nevents = 7;
problem.phases(1).npath = 1;
problem.phases(1).nodes = nodecount;
psopt_level2_setup(problem, algorithm);
/////////////////// Declare DMatrix objects to store results //////////////
DMatrix x, u, t;
/////////////////// Enter problem bounds information //////////////////////
double r_L = 600000.0;
double rdot_L = -INF;
double thetadot_L = 0.0;
double m_L = 0.0;
double r_U = INF;
double rdot_U = INF;
double thetadot_U = INF;
double m_U = 11.15;
double Tr_L = 0.0;
double Tr_U = 215.0;
double Ttheta_L = 0.0;
double Ttheta_U = 215.0;
double r_i = 600000.0+70.0;
double rdot_i = 0.0;
double thetadot_i = 2.9089e-4;
double m_i = 11.15;
double r_f = 674000.0;
double rdot_f = 0.0;
double thetadot_f = 2289.053/674000.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.states(1) = r_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.states(2) = rdot_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.states(3) = thetadot_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.states(4) = m_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.states(1) = r_U;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.states(2) = rdot_U;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.states(3) = thetadot_U;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.states(4) = m_U;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.controls(1) = Tr_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.controls(1) = Tr_U;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.controls(2) = Ttheta_L;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.controls(2) = Ttheta_U;
problem.phases(1) = r_i;
problem.phases(1) = rdot_i;
problem.phases(1) = thetadot_i;
problem.phases(1) = m_i;
problem.phases(1) = r_f;
problem.phases(1) = rdot_f;
problem.phases(1) = thetadot_f;
problem.phases(1) = r_i;
problem.phases(1) = rdot_i;
problem.phases(1) = thetadot_i;
problem.phases(1) = m_i;
problem.phases(1) = r_f;
problem.phases(1) = rdot_f;
problem.phases(1) = thetadot_f;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.path(1) = 0.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.path(1) = 215.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.StartTime = 0.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.StartTime = 0.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.lower.EndTime = 10.0;
problem.phases(1).bounds.upper.EndTime = 1000.0;
/////////////////// Register problem functions ///////////////////////////
problem.integrand_cost = &integrand_cost;
problem.endpoint_cost = &endpoint_cost;
problem.dae = &dae; = &events;
problem.linkages = &linkages;
/////////////////// Define & register initial guess ///////////////////////
DMatrix x0(4,nodecount);
x0(1,colon()) = linspace(600000.0,670000.0, nodecount);
x0(2,colon()) = linspace(100.0,0.0, nodecount);
x0(3,colon()) = linspace(1e-4,1e-3, nodecount);
x0(4,colon()) = linspace(m_U,m_L, nodecount);
DMatrix u0(2,nodecount);
u0(1,colon()) = linspace(Tr_U, Tr_L, nodecount);
u0(2,colon()) = linspace(Ttheta_L,Ttheta_U, nodecount);
DMatrix tt(1,nodecount);
tt(1,colon()) = linspace(0.0,300.0,nodecount);
DMatrix initcond(4,1);
initcond(1) = r_i;
initcond(2) = rdot_i;
initcond(3) = thetadot_i;
initcond(4) = m_i;
DMatrix params(0);
//rk4_propagate(dae, u0, tt, initcond, params, problem, 1, x0);
//return 0;
problem.phases(1).guess.controls = u0;
problem.phases(1).guess.states = x0;
problem.phases(1).guess.time = tt;
/////////////////// Enter algorithm options //////////////////////////////
algorithm.nlp_method = "IPOPT";
algorithm.scaling = "automatic";
algorithm.derivatives = "automatic";
//algorithm.mesh_refinement = "automatic";
//algorithm.mr_max_iterations = 3;
algorithm.nlp_iter_max = 50000;
algorithm.nlp_tolerance = 1.e-6;
//algorithm.collocation_method = "Hermite-Simpson";
/////////////////// Now call PSOPT to solve the problem //////////////////
psopt(solution, problem, algorithm);
/////////// Extract relevant variables from solution structure //////////
x = solution.get_states_in_phase(1);
u = solution.get_controls_in_phase(1);
t = solution.get_time_in_phase(1);
/////////// Save solution data to files if desired ////////////////////////
/////////// Plot some results if desired (requires gnuplot) ///////////////
plot(t,x.Row(1),, "time (s)", "states", "r");
plot(t,x.Row(2),, "time (s)", "states", "rdot");
plot(t,x.Row(3),, "time (s)", "states", "thetadot");
plot(t,x.Row(4),, "time (s)", "states", "m");
plot(t,u.Row(1),, "time (s)", "control", "T");
plot(t,u.Row(2),, "time (s)", "control", "Ttheta");
//plot(t,x,, "time (s)", "states", "v h m",
//"pdf", "ksp_vert_states.pdf");
//plot(t,u,, "time (s)", "control", "T",
//"pdf", "ksp_vert_control.pdf");
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