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# https://gist.github.com/althonos/6914b896789d3f2078d1e6237642c35c | |
[metadata] | |
name = {name} | |
version = file: {name}/_version.txt | |
author = Martin Larralde | |
author_email = martin.larralde@embl.de | |
url = https://github.com/althonos/{name} | |
description = {description} | |
long_description = file: README.md | |
long_description_content_type = text/markdown | |
license = MIT | |
license_file = COPYING | |
platform = any | |
keywords = {keywords} | |
classifiers = | |
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha | |
Intended Audience :: Developers | |
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License | |
Operating System :: OS Independent | |
Programming Language :: Python | |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 | |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 | |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 | |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 | |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 | |
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules | |
project_urls = | |
Bug Tracker = https://github.com/althonos/{name}/issues | |
Changelog = https://github.com/althonos/{name}/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md | |
[options] | |
zip_safe = false | |
include_package_data = true | |
python_requires = >= 2.7, != 3.0.*, != 3.1.*, != 3.2.* | |
packages = {name} | |
test_suite = tests | |
setup_requires = | |
setuptools | |
# setuptools >=30.3.0 # minimal version for `setup.cfg` | |
# setuptools >=38.3.0 # version with most `setup.cfg` bugfixes | |
# setuptools >=46.4.0 # let's you use attr: to extract version from a module | |
install_requires = | |
{install_requires} | |
tests_require = | |
{tests_require} | |
[options.package_data] | |
{name} = py.typed, _version.txt, *.pyi | |
[bdist_wheel] | |
universal = true | |
[sdist] | |
formats = zip, gztar | |
[coverage:report] | |
show_missing = true | |
exclude_lines = | |
pragma: no cover | |
if False | |
# @abc.abstractmethod | |
# @abc.abstractproperty | |
# raise NotImplementedError | |
# return NotImplemented | |
# except ImportError | |
# raise MemoryError | |
# if __name__ == .__main__.: | |
# if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: | |
[green] | |
file-pattern = test_*.py | |
verbose = 2 | |
no-skip-report = true | |
quiet-stdout = true | |
run-coverage = true | |
[pydocstyle] | |
match-dir = (?!tests)(?!resources)(?!docs)[^\.].* | |
match = (?!test)(?!setup)[^\._].*\.py | |
inherit = false | |
ignore = D200, D203, D213, D406, D407 # Google conventions | |
[flake8] | |
max-line-length = 99 | |
doctests = True | |
exclude = .git, .eggs, __pycache__, tests/, docs/, build/, dist/ | |
[mypy] | |
disallow_any_decorated = true | |
disallow_any_generics = true | |
disallow_any_unimported = false | |
disallow_subclassing_any = false | |
disallow_untyped_calls = true | |
disallow_untyped_defs = true | |
ignore_missing_imports = true | |
warn_unused_ignores = true | |
warn_return_any = true |
Yes, it should be:
myawesomepackage = py.typed
filenames are given as relative to the Python package, not full paths.
Also, you may or may not need a MANIFEST.in
file as well to make sure py.typed
gets in your source distribution and not just the wheel distribution.
Happy to find your template, thanks for this.
Happy that it's useful!
Thank you @althonos, I was wondering where to put the py.typed
in my setup.cfg. You saved my day!
{name}, is an auto-format ? no need to specify anyware ?
Like response to kyweez, if package strcuture is the same, {name} call directlly myawesomepackage ?
@jeremybep : no, it's not autoformat, you need to replace every {name}
occurence with the name of your package, same for every variable in the template 👍
Okay, that's what I thought.
however, I would like to know how you use the var {name}. Is from CI/CD, or another package, or setup.py ?
I would like to understand the logic of your setup.cfg;
thank you,
Oh, I wrote it that way because you could use Python formatting to fill in the blanks:
import urllib.request
with urllib.request.urlopen("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/althonos/6914b896789d3f2078d1e6237642c35c/raw/d2a95d13181d36dc4aa831f1927d05204da5eda2/setup.cfg") as gist:
template = gist.read().decode()
with open("setup.cfg", "w") as dst:
description="My Awesome Package",
keywords="awesome, package",
But it's not like there is a magic formula that's going to fill them for you, at some point you'll have to edit the file yourself when you're creating a new project, it's not a cookiecutter
template or anything. I just have it here because i copy that file and then edit it to add what i need every time i create a new package.
Ha, ok i see.
Thank you for sharing
Ok, thanks a lot, that's what I thought.
So I guess my problem comes from my setup.cfg. I wrote
instead of a simplepy.typed
in the [options.package_data].Happy to find your template, thanks for this.