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Last active November 12, 2019 16:23
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Save altrive/5268181 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell cmdlets to get WindowsUpdate patch file List.


PowerShell cmdlets to check WindowsUpdate and return patch list.

This script is intended for offline Windows patching. (MBSA 2.2 currently not support Windows 8/Windows Server 2012)


following sample check WindowsUpdate for specified computer, and download files to network share.

    TargetComputer      = ""
    Credential          = Get-Credential -UserName "localhost\Administrator" -Message "Enter credential"
    DownloadFolder      = "\\\Shared\Images\WindowsUpdate\Windows8"
    WindowsUpdateFilte  = "IsHidden=0"

#Remove files that updated periodically
Get-ChildItem $params.DownloadFolder | where Name -Like "am_delta_*.exe" | Remove-Item             #Windows Defender Definition
Get-ChildItem $params.DownloadFolder | where Name -Like "im*.cab" | Remove-Item                    #IME patch
Get-ChildItem $params.DownloadFolder | where Name -Like "windows-kb890830-*.exe" | Remove-Item     #Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
Start-DownloadWindowsUpdateFile @params -Verbose
#Requires –Version 3
#Get WindowsUpdate List for offline patch
function Get-WindowsUpdateFileList
[string] $Filter
$objSession = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$objSearcher = $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$results = $objSearcher.Search($Filter)
$downloadList =@()
foreach($update in $results.Updates)
$title = $update.Title
$date = $update.LastDeploymentChangeTime
$isInstalled = $update.IsInstalled
$rebootRequired = $update.RebootRequired
foreach($bundledUpdate in $update.BundledUpdates)
foreach($content in $bundledUpdate.DownloadContents)
#if($url.Contains("-express_") -or $url.Contains("-delta_") -or $url.EndsWith(".psf"))
#Skip express package(Delta Compressed Package) and .psf file
#Append to download list
$url = $content.DownloadURL
$fileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($url)
$downloadList += [pscustomobject]@{Title=$title;LastDeploymentChangeTime=$date ;DownloadURL=$url;IsInstalled=$isInstalled;RebootRequired=$rebootRequired;FileName=$fileName}
return $downloadList
function Start-DownloadWindowsUpdateFile
[string] $TargetComputer,
[string] $DownloadFolder,
[string] $WindowsUpdateFilter
if(!(Test-Path $DownloadFolder))
Write-Error "Destination folder not found!"
if($TargetComputer -eq $env:ComputerName)
Write-Verbose ("Search WindowsUpdate for local computer...")
$results = Get-WindowsUpdateFileList $WindowsUpdateFilter
Write-Verbose ("Search WindowsUpdate for remote computer({0})..." -f $TargetComputer)
$results = Invoke-Command -Computer $TargetComputer -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock ${function:Get-WindowsUpdateFileList} -ArgumentList $WindowsUpdateFilter
Write-Verbose ("WindowsUpdate check completed: {0} files found" -f $results.Count)
#$results | select Title,FileName, LastDeploymentChangeTime | Format-List
#Start Download Files
Write-Verbose ("Download files started...")
foreach($update in $results)
$fileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($update.DownloadURL)
$filePath = Join-Path $DownloadFolder $fileName
if(Test-Path $filePath)
Write-Verbose "`tSkip already exists patch: $fileName"
Write-Verbose "`tStart download patch: $fileName"
$params = @{
Source = $update.DownloadURL
DisplayName = $update.Title
Description = $update.DownloadURL
Destination = $DownloadFolder
Start-BitsTransfer @params
Write-Verbose ("Download files completed...")
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Hi Team,

How to modify the above code to download only give KB article number and save it local computer.

Request you to kindly help me to modify.

Thanks and regards,


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