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Last active March 29, 2024 14:27
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Unattend install script for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

1.Download Visual Studio 2012 WebInstaller

Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

  1. Download offline install image

Run following command to extract offline install image. and copy files to network share.

vs_professional.exe /layout "C:\Temp\VS2012Pro" /Passive /Log %Temp%\VS2012_Extract.log
VS2012.2.exe /layout "C:\Temp\VS2012_Update2" /Passive /Log %Temp%\VS2012Update2_Extract.log
  1. Install

Run following command to install packages.

$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
Install-VisualStudio -ImagePath "\\\Shared\Images\VS2012Pro" -InstallPath $null -ProductKey $null
Write-Host ("Install Visual Studio 2012 : Elapsed {0} [minutes]." -f $sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes)

Install-VisualStudioUpdate -ImagePath "\\\Shared\Images\VS2012_Update2" 
Write-Host ("Install Visual Studio 2012 Update2 : Elapsed {0} [minutes]." -f $sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes)

Note: The local path name should not exceed 70 characters, and the network path name should not exceed 39 characters

function Install-VisualStudio
param (
[string] $ImagePath,
[string[]] $ArgumentList,
[string] $InstallPath,
[string] $ProductKey
Write-Verbose "Install Visual Studio 2012..."
$filePath = Join-Path $ImagePath "vs_*.exe" -Resolve
$argumentList = @("/Full","/Passive","/NoRestart","/Log $env:Temp\VisualStudio2012_Install.log")
$argumentList +='/CustomInstallPath "$InstallPath"'
$argumentList +='/ProductKey $ProductKey'
Write-Progress -Activity "Install Visual Studio 2012" -Status "Install..."
Start-Process -FilePath $filePath -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -WorkingDirectory $env:Temp -Wait
Write-Progress -Activity "Install Visual Studio 2012" -Completed
function Install-VisualStudioUpdate
param (
[string] $ImagePath
Write-Verbose "Install Visual Studio 2012 Update..."
$filePath = Join-Path $ImagePath "VS2012.*.exe" -Resolve
$argumentList = @("/Full","/Passive","/NoRestart","/NoWeb","/Log $env:Temp\VisualStudio2012_Update_Install.log")
Write-Progress -Activity "Install Visual Studio 2012 Update" -Status "Install..."
Start-Process -FilePath $filePath -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -WorkingDirectory $env:Temp -Wait
Write-Progress -Activity "Install Visual Studio 2012 Update" -Completed
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