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Last active August 3, 2023 02:28
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Test code of PowerShell v4 Dynamic Keyword

Define DynamicKeyword

Define DynamicKeyword 'ExecTest'

Note: Don't copy&paste from following code. PowerShell SyntaxHighlighter remove some lines. Instead, use RAW view.

#Requires -Version 4.0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#Reset Existing Dynamic Keywords

#Add Dynamic Keyword
$keyword = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeyword
$keyword.Keyword ="ExecTest"
$keyword.BodyMode = [Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordBodyMode]::HashTable
$keyword.NameMode =  [Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordNameMode]::NoName
$prop = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordProperty
$prop.Mandatory = $true

#Define Function to process DynamicKeyword
function ExecTest{
param (
[string[]] $Name,
[hashtable] $Value,

Use DynamicKeyword

Use DynamicKeyword 'ExecTest' Note: Execute command separately,DynamicKeyword need to defined before use.

    ABC = "abc"
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klumsy commented Jun 26, 2013

good work.

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dfinke commented Jun 27, 2013

This is great. I get the ScriptBlock in $KeywordData but no other parameters. It may be the build I have of PS v4

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oising commented Jun 28, 2013

I don't think this works at all. It's just executing the function directly.

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altrive commented Jun 28, 2013

PowerShell SyntaxHighlighter remove some code lines from view. Please copy&paste from RAW view.

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ebekker commented Jan 19, 2016

Does anyone know if there is some way to "package" this up so that it can be used in a module and be recognized by ISE? In all of my testing, the only way this pattern of code works is if the DK setup code and associated function are inline with the code that uses it.

I'm trying to add a DSL-like extension to PS that would be detected by ISE and guide users similar to how DSC works -- but wasn't sure if this is actually a supported feature in ISE with the code above?

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