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Created July 31, 2012 16:51
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($>) = flip ($)
-- this defintion is wrong, but is sufficient for our time range
leap_year y = y /= 1900 && y `mod` 4 == 0
month_days m y
| m == 2 && leap_year y = 29
| m == 2 = 28
| m `elem` [4, 6, 9, 11] = 30
| otherwise = 31
timeline = timeline' 1 1900
where timeline' 12 y = (12, y):(timeline' 1 (1+y))
timeline' m y = (m, y):(timeline' (1+m) y)
days_since = scanl (+) 0 days
where days = map (uncurry month_days) (takeWhile ((2001 >) . snd) timeline)
first_sundays = drop 12 days_since -- we start in 1901
$> filter ((6 ==) . (`mod` 7))
$> length
($>) = flip ($)
fact k = foldl (*) 1 [2..k]
res = fact 100
$> show
$> map (\x -> read [x]::Int)
$> sum
-- inefficient but sufficiently fast, 0.7s. Doing max twice the necessary amicability checks
($>) = flip ($)
divisors k = 1:(divisors' k 2 (k-1))
where divisors' k t l
| t >= l = []
| k `mod` t == 0 = t:(k `div` t):(divisors' k (t+1) (k `div` t - 1))
| otherwise = divisors' k (t+1) l
amicability = sum . divisors
main = do [1..9999]
$> map (\v -> (v, amicability v))
$> filter (uncurry (/=))
$> map (\(a,b) -> (a, amicability b))
$> filter (uncurry (==))
$> map fst
$> sum
$> show
$> putStrLn
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified Data.List
($>) = flip ($)
split char "" = []
split char s = chunk:(split char (if remain == "" then "" else (tail remain)))
where (chunk,remain) = break (== char) s
-- 64 = ord 'A' - 1
alphavalue char = Data.Char.ord char - 64
p022 vs = p022' vs 1 0
where p022' [] _ acc = acc
p022' (x:xs) i acc = p022' xs (i+1) (acc + i*x)
main = do
raw_content <- readFile "names.txt"
$> filter (/= '\"')
$> split ','
$> Data.List.sort
$> map (sum . (map alphavalue))
$> p022
$> show
$> putStrLn
import qualified Data.IntSet
($>) = flip ($)
divisors k = 1:(divisors' k 2 (k-1))
where divisors' k t l
| t >= l = []
| k `mod` t == 0 = let kdt = div k t in
if t == kdt then
t:(divisors' k (t+1) (kdt - 1))
t:kdt:(divisors' k (t+1) (kdt - 1))
| otherwise = divisors' k (t+1) l
sums xs = [
x + y |
x <- xs,
y <- xs,
x + y <= 28123
abundant = [12..28123]
$> filter (\v -> v < (sum $ divisors v))
main = do
sums abundant
$> Data.IntSet.fromList
$> (\s -> filter ((flip Data.IntSet.notMember) s) [1..28123])
$> sum
$> show
$> putStrLn
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