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Created August 6, 2012 19:23
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#!/usr/bin/env node
var util = require('util');
var chunks = [];
function unique_chars(str) {
var seen = {},
count = 0,
for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
chr = str[i];
if (!(chr in seen)) {
seen[chr] = 1;
return count;
function min_int_val(str, base) {
var max_val = 2,
found_one = false,
found_zero = false,
char_map = {},
value = 0,
for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
chr = str[i];
if (chr in char_map) {
v = char_map[chr];
} else {
if (!found_one) {
found_one = true;
v = 1;
} else if (!found_zero) {
found_zero = true;
v = 0;
} else {
v = max_val;
char_map[chr] = v;
value += Math.pow(base, l - i - 1) * v;
return value;
function interpret_string(str) {
var best_base = unique_chars(str);
if (best_base == 1) {
best_base = 2;
return min_int_val(str, best_base);
function end_trigger() {
var lines = chunks.join('').split('\n'),
line_count = parseInt(lines[0], 10);
for (var i = 1; i <= line_count; i++) {
console.log('Case #%d: %d', i, interpret_string(lines[i]));
process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk) {
process.stdin.on('end', end_trigger);
// time cat | node 1c.js > small.out
// real 0m0.098s
// user 0m0.050s
// sys 0m0.015s
import sys
chunks = []
def unique_chars(s):
return len(set(s))
def min_int_val(s, base):
max_val = 2
found_one = found_zero = False
char_map = {}
length = len(s)
value = 0
for i, char in enumerate(s):
if char in char_map:
v = char_map[char]
if not found_one:
found_one = True
v = 1
elif not found_zero:
found_zero = True
v = 0
v = max_val
max_val += 1
char_map[char] = v
value += base**(length - i - 1) * v
return value
def interpret_string(s):
best_case = unique_chars(s)
if best_case == 1:
best_case = 2
return min_int_val(s, best_case)
first_line = True
lines_to_read = 0
line_num = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
if first_line:
first_line = False
lines_to_read = int(line.strip())
if line_num == lines_to_read:
line_num += 1
print 'Case #{0}: {1}'.format(line_num, interpret_string(line.strip()))
($>) = flip ($)
fact k = foldl (*) 1 [2..k]
-- returns a tuple of the ith element, and the list without the ith element
-- example:
-- excise 0 [1, 2, 3] = (1, [2, 3])
-- excise 1 [2, 9, 7] = (9, [2, 7])
excise :: Num a => a -> [t] -> (t, [t])
excise i l = excise' i l (\x y -> (x, y))
where excise' i (a:as) c
| i == 0 = c a as
| otherwise = excise' (i - 1) as (\x y -> c x (a:y))
-- returns the kth permutation of the list l
-- observing the permutations of [0, 1, 2]
-- 012 021 102 120 201 210
-- the first character repeats (n - 1)! times, and appear in the same order
-- as the original list.
-- The integral quotient of the permutation number k and (n - 1)! gives the
-- index of the first item in the permutation. This can then be extended
-- recursively
permutation_k :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
permutation_k k l = permutation_k' k l (length l)
where permutation_k' _ [] _ = []
permutation_k' k l s = v:(permutation_k' k' l' s')
where s' = s - 1
(i, k') = divMod k (fact s')
(v, l') = excise i l
main = do
permutation_k 999999 ['0'..'9']
$> putStrLn
-- time ./p024
-- real 0m0.003s
-- user 0m0.001s
-- sys 0m0.002s
($>) = flip ($)
-- infinite fibonacci sequence
fibs = fibs' 1 1
where fibs' x y = x:(fibs' y (x + y))
-- finds the index of the first item that satisfies the predicate
nth_satisfies p l = nth_satisfies p l 1
where nth_satisfies p (x:xs) i
| p x = i
| otherwise = nth_satisfies p xs (i + 1)
main = do
$> nth_satisfies (> 10^999)
$> show
$> putStrLn
-- time ./p025
-- real 0m0.007s
-- user 0m0.002s
-- sys 0m0.003s
import qualified Data.Map
($>) = flip ($)
origApply f v = (v, f v)
chooseMaxBy p a b
| p a > p b = a
| otherwise = b
-- returns the number of repeating digits via long division
longDiv n d = longDiv' n d Data.Map.empty 0
where longDiv' 0 _ _ _ = 0
longDiv' n d s i
| Data.Map.member n s = i - Data.Map.findWithDefault 0 n s
| otherwise = longDiv' n' d (Data.Map.insert n i s) i'
where n' = 10 * (mod n d)
i' = i + 1
main = do
[3,5..999] -- even number K will yield same repeat length as K / 2
$> map (origApply (longDiv 1))
$> foldl (chooseMaxBy snd) (0, 0)
$> fst
$> show
$> putStrLn
-- time ./p026
-- real 0m0.125s
-- user 0m0.038s
-- sys 0m0.003s
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