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Created September 18, 2017 09:34
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def __one_level(graph, status, weight_key, resolution, randomize,mu = 0.3):
"""Compute one level of communities
modified = True
nb_pass_done = 0
cur_mod = __modularity_lft(status,mu)
new_mod = cur_mod
while modified and nb_pass_done != __PASS_MAX:
cur_mod = new_mod
modified = False
nb_pass_done += 1
for node in __randomly(graph.nodes(), randomize):
com_node = status.node2com[node]
neigh_communities = __neighcom(node, graph, status, weight_key) # can I trust it?
v_degree = status.gdegrees.get(node, 0.)
v_loops = float(graph.get_edge_data(node, node, default={weight_key: 0}).get(weight_key, 1))
v_in_degree = neigh_communities.get(com_node,0)
com_degree = status.degrees.get(com_node, 0.)
com_in_degree = status.internals.get(com_node, 0.)
links = float(status.total_weight)
in_links = 0
for community in set(status.node2com.values()):
in_links += status.internals.get(community, 0.)
out_links = links - in_links
__dCv = v_in_degree
__E = links
__Eout = out_links
__Ein = in_links
__DC = com_degree
__DinC = com_in_degree
__dv = v_degree
__dinv = v_loops
remove_cost = 0
remove_cost += 4. * __dCv * log(mu/(1.-mu))
if __Eout> 0:
remove_cost += - __Eout * log( 2.* __Eout )
if __Eout+__dCv>0:
remove_cost += (__Eout + __dCv) * log(2.*(__Eout + __dCv))
tmp = comb(__DC - __dv,__DinC - __dinv - 2.*__dCv, exact=True)
if tmp > 0:
remove_cost += log( tmp )
if ( __DinC - __dinv - 2.*__dCv )> 0:
remove_cost += - ( __DinC - __dinv - 2.*__dCv ) * log( __DinC - __dinv - 2.*__dCv ) / 2.
remove_cost += log( comb(__dv,__dinv, exact=True) )
if __dinv>0:
remove_cost += - __dinv * log( __dinv ) / 2.
remove_cost += - log( comb(__DC,__DinC, exact=True) )
if __DinC>0:
remove_cost += __DinC * log( __DinC ) / 2.
degc_totw = remove_cost
__remove(node, com_node,
neigh_communities.get(com_node, 0.), status)
best_com = com_node
best_increase = 0.
links = float(status.total_weight)
in_links = 0
for community in set(status.node2com.values()):
in_links += status.internals.get(community, 0.)
out_links = links - in_links
for com, dnc in __randomly(neigh_communities.items(),
com_degree = status.degrees.get(com, 0.)
com_in_degree = status.internals.get(com, 0.)
v_in_degree = dnc
__dCv = v_in_degree
__E = links
__Eout = out_links
__Ein = in_links
__DC = com_degree
__DinC = com_in_degree
__dv = v_degree
__dinv = v_loops
add_cost = 0.
add_cost += 4. * __dCv * log((1.-mu)/mu)
add_cost += - __Eout * log( 2.* __Eout )
add_cost += (__Eout - __dCv) * log(2.*(__Eout - __dCv))
add_cost += log( comb(__DC + __dv,__DinC + __dinv + 2.*__dCv, exact=True) )
add_cost += - ( __DinC + __dinv + 2.*__dCv ) * log( __DinC + __dinv + 2.*__dCv ) / 2.
add_cost += - log( comb(__DC,__DinC, exact=True) )
if __DinC > 0:
add_cost += __DinC * log( __DinC ) / 2.
add_cost += - log( comb(__dv,__dinv, exact=True) )
if __dinv > 0:
add_cost += + __dinv * log( __dinv ) / 2.
incr = add_cost + remove_cost
if incr > best_increase:
best_increase = incr
best_com = com
__insert(node, best_com,
neigh_communities.get(best_com, 0.), status)
if best_com != com_node:
modified = True
new_mod = __modularity_lft(status,mu)
if new_mod - cur_mod < __MIN:
return max(new_mod,cur_mod)
def __modularity_lft(status,mu = 0.3):
Fast compute the modularity of the partition of the graph using
status precomputed
links = float(status.total_weight)
in_links = 0
for community in set(status.node2com.values()):
in_links += status.internals.get(community, 0.)
out_links = links - in_links
result = 0.
result += 4. * out_links * log( mu )
result += 4. * in_links * log( 1 - mu )
if out_links>0:
result -= out_links * log( 2.*out_links )
for community in set(status.node2com.values()):
degree = status.degrees.get(community, 0.)
in_degree = status.internals.get(community, 0.) # ??смущает, что там в статусе веса где-то на два делятся, надо бы проверить...
result += log( comb(degree,in_degree, exact=True) )
if in_degree>0:
result -= in_degree*log(in_degree)/2.
return result
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