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Created December 17, 2023 21:41
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Processing Multiple Observables
import { forkJoin, mergeAll, mergeMap, tap } from "rxjs";
import { getValues, doubleValue, tripleValue } from "./service";
tap((value) => console.log(`Got ${value.join(", ")}\n`)),
tap((value) => console.log(`Processing ${value}`)),
mergeMap((value) => forkJoin([doubleValue(value), tripleValue(value)]))
.subscribe((value) => console.log(`Processed and got ${value.join(", ")}\n`));
/* Output:
* Got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
* Processing 1
* Processed and got 2, 3
* Processing 2
* Processed and got 4, 6
* Processing 3
* Processed and got 6, 9
import { Observable, of } from "rxjs";
export function getValues(): Observable<number[]> {
return of([1, 2, 3]);
export function doubleValue(value: number): Observable<number> {
return of(value * 2);
export function tripleValue(value: number): Observable<number> {
return of(value * 3);
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