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Created October 22, 2013 12:47
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Save aluedeke/7100091 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using randomly generated emails
// Chance.js 0.4.3
// (c) 2013 Victor Quinn
// Chance may be freely distributed or modified under the MIT license.
var window = {};
(function () {
// Constructor
var MAX_INT = 9007199254740992;
var NUMBERS = '0123456789';
var CHARS_LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var CHARS_UPPER = CHARS_LOWER.toUpperCase();
var HEX_POOL = NUMBERS + "abcdef";
var Chance = function (seed) {
if (seed !== undefined) {
// If we were passed a generator rather than a seed, use it.
if (typeof seed === 'function') {
this.random = seed;
} else {
this.seed = seed;
// If no generator function was provided, use our MT
if (typeof this.random === 'undefined') { = this.mersenne_twister(seed);
this.random = function () {
// -- Basics --
Chance.prototype.bool = function (options) {
// likelihood of success (true)
options = initOptions(options, {likelihood : 50});
options.likelihood < 0 || options.likelihood > 100,
"Chance: Likelihood accepts values from 0 to 100."
return this.random() * 100 < options.likelihood;
// NOTE the max and min are INCLUDED in the range. So:
// chance.natural({min: 1, max: 3});
// would return either 1, 2, or 3.
Chance.prototype.natural = function (options) {
// 9007199254740992 (2^53) is the max integer number in JavaScript
// See:
options = initOptions(options, {min: 0, max: MAX_INT});
testRange(options.min > options.max, "Chance: Min cannot be greater than Max.");
return Math.floor(this.random() * (options.max - options.min + 1) + options.min);
Chance.prototype.integer = function (options) {
var num, range;
options = initOptions(options, {min : MIN_INT, max : MAX_INT});
// Greatest of absolute value of either max or min so we know we're
// including the entire search domain.
range = Math.max(Math.abs(options.min), Math.abs(options.max));
// Probably a better way to do this...
do {
num = this.natural({max: range});
num = this.bool() ? num : num * -1;
} while (num < options.min || num > options.max);
return num;
Chance.prototype.normal = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {mean : 0, dev : 1});
// The Marsaglia Polar method
var s, u, v, norm,
mean = options.mean,
dev =;
do {
// U and V are from the uniform distribution on (-1, 1)
u = this.random() * 2 - 1;
v = this.random() * 2 - 1;
s = u * u + v * v;
} while (s >= 1);
// Compute the standard normal variate
norm = u * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(s) / s);
// Shape and scale
return dev * norm + mean;
// Note, wanted to use "float" or "double" but those are both JS reserved words.
// Note, fixed means N OR LESS digits after the decimal. This because
// It could be 14.9000 but in JavaScript, when this is cast as a number,
// the trailing zeroes are dropped. Left to the consumer if trailing zeroes are
// needed
Chance.prototype.floating = function (options) {
var num, range;
options = initOptions(options, {fixed : 4});
var fixed = Math.pow(10, options.fixed);
options.fixed && options.precision,
"Chance: Cannot specify both fixed and precision."
var max = MAX_INT / fixed;
var min = -max;
options.min && options.fixed && options.min < min,
"Chance: Min specified is out of range with fixed. Min should be, at least, " + min
options.max && options.fixed && options.max > max,
"Chance: Max specified is out of range with fixed. Max should be, at most, " + max
options = initOptions(options, {min : min, max : max});
// Todo - Make this work!
// options.precision = (typeof options.precision !== "undefined") ? options.precision : false;
num = this.integer({min: options.min * fixed, max: options.max * fixed});
var num_fixed = (num / fixed).toFixed(options.fixed);
return parseFloat(num_fixed);
Chance.prototype.character = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var symbols = "!@#$%^&*()[]",
letters, pool;
options.alpha && options.symbols,
"Chance: Cannot specify both alpha and symbols."
if (options.casing === 'lower') {
letters = CHARS_LOWER;
} else if (options.casing === 'upper') {
letters = CHARS_UPPER;
} else {
if (options.pool) {
pool = options.pool;
} else if (options.alpha) {
pool = letters;
} else if (options.symbols) {
pool = symbols;
} else {
pool = letters + NUMBERS + symbols;
return pool.charAt(this.natural({max: (pool.length - 1)}));
Chance.prototype.string = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var length = options.length || this.natural({min: 5, max: 20}),
text = '',
pool = options.pool;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
text += this.character({pool: pool});
return text;
// -- End Basics --
// -- Helpers --
Chance.prototype.capitalize = function (word) {
return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1);
Chance.prototype.pick = function (arr, count) {
if (!count || count === 1) {
return arr[this.natural({max: arr.length - 1})];
} else {
return this.shuffle(arr).slice(0, count);
Chance.prototype.shuffle = function (arr) {
var old_array = arr.slice(0),
new_array = [],
j = 0,
length = Number(old_array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Pick a random index from the array
j = this.natural({max: old_array.length - 1});
// Add it to the new array
new_array[i] = old_array[j];
// Remove that element from the original array
old_array.splice(j, 1);
return new_array;
// -- End Helpers --
// -- Text --
Chance.prototype.paragraph = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var sentences = options.sentences || this.natural({min: 3, max: 7}),
sentence_array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sentences; i++) {
return sentence_array.join(' ');
// Could get smarter about this than generating random words and
// chaining them together. Such as:
Chance.prototype.sentence = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var words = options.words || this.natural({min: 12, max: 18}),
text, word_array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < words; i++) {
text = word_array.join(' ');
// Capitalize first letter of sentence, add period at end
text = this.capitalize(text) + '.';
return text;
Chance.prototype.syllable = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var length = options.length || this.natural({min: 2, max: 3}),
consanants = 'bcdfghjklmnprstvwz', // consonants except hard to speak ones
vowels = 'aeiou', // vowels
all = consanants + vowels, // all
text = '',
// I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this, but this works
// decently well.
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
// First character can be anything
chr = this.character({pool: all});
} else if (consanants.indexOf(chr) === -1) {
// Last charcter was a vowel, now we want a consanant
chr = this.character({pool: consanants});
} else {
// Last charcter was a consanant, now we want a vowel
chr = this.character({pool: vowels});
text += chr;
return text;
Chance.prototype.word = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
options.syllables && options.length,
"Chance: Cannot specify both syllables AND length."
var syllables = options.syllables || this.natural({min: 1, max: 3}),
text = '';
if (options.length) {
// Either bound word by length
do {
text += this.syllable();
} while (text.length < options.length);
text = text.substring(0, options.length);
} else {
// Or by number of syllables
for (var i = 0; i < syllables; i++) {
text += this.syllable();
return text;
// -- End Text --
// -- Name --
// Perhaps make this more intelligent at some point
Chance.prototype.first = function () {
return this.capitalize(this.word());
Chance.prototype.last = function () {
return this.capitalize(this.word());
}; = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var first = this.first(),
last = this.last(),
if (options.middle) {
name = first + ' ' + this.capitalize(this.word()) + ' ' + last;
} else if (options.middle_initial) {
name = first + ' ' + this.character({alpha: true, casing: 'upper'}) + '. ' + last;
} else {
name = first + ' ' + last;
if (options.prefix) {
name = this.prefix() + ' ' + name;
return name;
Chance.prototype.name_prefixes = function () {
return [
{name: 'Doctor', abbreviation: 'Dr.'},
{name: 'Miss', abbreviation: 'Miss'},
{name: 'Misses', abbreviation: 'Mrs.'},
{name: 'Mister', abbreviation: 'Mr.'}
// Alias for name_prefix
Chance.prototype.prefix = function (options) {
return this.name_prefix(options);
Chance.prototype.name_prefix = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
return options.full ?
this.pick(this.name_prefixes()).name :
// -- End Name --
// -- Web --
Chance.prototype.color = function (options) {
function gray(value, delimiter) {
return [value, value, value].join(delimiter || '');
options = initOptions(options, {format: this.pick(['hex', 'shorthex', 'rgb']), grayscale: false});
var isGrayscale = options.grayscale;
if (options.format === 'hex') {
return '#' + (isGrayscale ? gray(this.hash({length: 2})) : this.hash({length: 6}));
if (options.format === 'shorthex') {
return '#' + (isGrayscale ? gray(this.hash({length: 1})) : this.hash({length: 3}));
if (options.format === 'rgb') {
if (isGrayscale) {
return 'rgb(' + gray(this.natural({max: 255}), ',') + ')';
} else {
return 'rgb(' + this.natural({max: 255}) + ',' + this.natural({max: 255}) + ',' + this.natural({max: 255}) + ')';
throw new Error('Invalid format provided. Please provide one of "hex", "shorthex", or "rgb"');
Chance.prototype.domain = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
return this.word() + '.' + (options.tld || this.tld());
}; = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
return this.word() + '@' + (options.domain || this.domain());
Chance.prototype.fbid = function () {
return '10000' + this.natural({max: 100000000000}).toString();
Chance.prototype.ip = function () {
// Todo: This could return some reserved IPs. See
// this should probably be updated to account for that rare as it may be
return this.natural({max: 255}) + '.' +
this.natural({max: 255}) + '.' +
this.natural({max: 255}) + '.' +
this.natural({max: 255});
Chance.prototype.ipv6 = function () {
var ip_addr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
ip_addr += this.hash({length: 4}) + ':';
return ip_addr.substr(0, ip_addr.length - 1);
Chance.prototype.tlds = function () {
return ['com', 'org', 'edu', 'gov', '', 'net', 'io'];
Chance.prototype.tld = function () {
return this.pick(this.tlds());
Chance.prototype.twitter = function () {
return '@' + this.word();
// -- End Web --
// -- Address --
Chance.prototype.address = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
return this.natural({min: 5, max: 2000}) + ' ' + this.street(options);
Chance.prototype.areacode = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {parens : true});
// Don't want area codes to start with 1, or have a 9 as the second digit
var areacode = this.natural({min: 2, max: 9}).toString() + this.natural({min: 0, max: 8}).toString() + this.natural({min: 0, max: 9}).toString();
return options.parens ? '(' + areacode + ')' : areacode;
}; = function () {
return this.capitalize(this.word({syllables: 3}));
Chance.prototype.coordinates = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
return this.latitude(options) + ', ' + this.longitude(options);
Chance.prototype.latitude = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {fixed : 5});
return this.floating({min: -90, max: 90, fixed: options.fixed});
Chance.prototype.longitude = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {fixed : 5});
return this.floating({min: 0, max: 180, fixed: options.fixed});
}; = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {formatted : true});
if (!options.formatted) {
options.parens = false;
var areacode = this.areacode(options).toString();
var exchange = this.natural({min: 2, max: 9}).toString() + this.natural({min: 0, max: 9}).toString() + this.natural({min: 0, max: 9}).toString();
var subscriber = this.natural({min: 1000, max: 9999}).toString(); // this could be random [0-9]{4}
return options.formatted ? areacode + ' ' + exchange + '-' + subscriber : areacode + exchange + subscriber;
Chance.prototype.postal = function () {
// Postal District
var pd = this.character({pool: "XVTSRPNKLMHJGECBA"});
// Forward Sortation Area (FSA)
var fsa = pd + this.natural({max: 9}) + this.character({alpha: true, casing: "upper"});
// Local Delivery Unut (LDU)
var ldu = this.natural({max: 9}) + this.character({alpha: true, casing: "upper"}) + this.natural({max: 9});
return fsa + " " + ldu;
Chance.prototype.provinces = function () {
return [
{name: 'Alberta', abbreviation: 'AB'},
{name: 'British Columbia', abbreviation: 'BC'},
{name: 'Manitoba', abbreviation: 'MB'},
{name: 'New Brunswick', abbreviation: 'NB'},
{name: 'Newfoundland and Labrador', abbreviation: 'NL'},
{name: 'Nova Scotia', abbreviation: 'NS'},
{name: 'Ontario', abbreviation: 'ON'},
{name: 'Prince Edward Island', abbreviation: 'PE'},
{name: 'Quebec', abbreviation: 'QC'},
{name: 'Saskatchewan', abbreviation: 'SK'},
// The case could be made that the following are not actually provinces
// since they are technically considered "territories" however they all
// look the same on an envelope!
{name: 'Northwest Territories', abbreviation: 'NT'},
{name: 'Nunavut', abbreviation: 'NU'},
{name: 'Yukon', abbreviation: 'YT'}
Chance.prototype.province = function (options) {
return (options && options.full) ?
this.pick(this.provinces()).name :
}; = function (options) {
// Initial Letter (Typically Designated by Side of Mississippi River)
options = initOptions(options, {side : "?"});
var fl = "";
switch (options.side.toLowerCase()) {
case "east":
case "e":
fl = "W";
case "west":
case "w":
fl = "K";
fl = this.character({pool: "KW"});
return fl + this.character({alpha: true, casing: "upper"}) + this.character({alpha: true, casing: "upper"}) + this.character({alpha: true, casing: "upper"});
Chance.prototype.state = function (options) {
return (options && options.full) ?
this.pick(this.states()).name :
Chance.prototype.states = function () {
return [
{name: 'Alabama', abbreviation: 'AL'},
{name: 'Alaska', abbreviation: 'AK'},
{name: 'American Samoa', abbreviation: 'AS'},
{name: 'Arizona', abbreviation: 'AZ'},
{name: 'Arkansas', abbreviation: 'AR'},
{name: 'Armed Forces Europe', abbreviation: 'AE'},
{name: 'Armed Forces Pacific', abbreviation: 'AP'},
{name: 'Armed Forces the Americas', abbreviation: 'AA'},
{name: 'California', abbreviation: 'CA'},
{name: 'Colorado', abbreviation: 'CO'},
{name: 'Connecticut', abbreviation: 'CT'},
{name: 'Delaware', abbreviation: 'DE'},
{name: 'District of Columbia', abbreviation: 'DC'},
{name: 'Federated States of Micronesia', abbreviation: 'FM'},
{name: 'Florida', abbreviation: 'FL'},
{name: 'Georgia', abbreviation: 'GA'},
{name: 'Guam', abbreviation: 'GU'},
{name: 'Hawaii', abbreviation: 'HI'},
{name: 'Idaho', abbreviation: 'ID'},
{name: 'Illinois', abbreviation: 'IL'},
{name: 'Indiana', abbreviation: 'IN'},
{name: 'Iowa', abbreviation: 'IA'},
{name: 'Kansas', abbreviation: 'KS'},
{name: 'Kentucky', abbreviation: 'KY'},
{name: 'Louisiana', abbreviation: 'LA'},
{name: 'Maine', abbreviation: 'ME'},
{name: 'Marshall Islands', abbreviation: 'MH'},
{name: 'Maryland', abbreviation: 'MD'},
{name: 'Massachusetts', abbreviation: 'MA'},
{name: 'Michigan', abbreviation: 'MI'},
{name: 'Minnesota', abbreviation: 'MN'},
{name: 'Mississippi', abbreviation: 'MS'},
{name: 'Missouri', abbreviation: 'MO'},
{name: 'Montana', abbreviation: 'MT'},
{name: 'Nebraska', abbreviation: 'NE'},
{name: 'Nevada', abbreviation: 'NV'},
{name: 'New Hampshire', abbreviation: 'NH'},
{name: 'New Jersey', abbreviation: 'NJ'},
{name: 'New Mexico', abbreviation: 'NM'},
{name: 'New York', abbreviation: 'NY'},
{name: 'North Carolina', abbreviation: 'NC'},
{name: 'North Dakota', abbreviation: 'ND'},
{name: 'Northern Mariana Islands', abbreviation: 'MP'},
{name: 'Ohio', abbreviation: 'OH'},
{name: 'Oklahoma', abbreviation: 'OK'},
{name: 'Oregon', abbreviation: 'OR'},
{name: 'Pennsylvania', abbreviation: 'PA'},
{name: 'Puerto Rico', abbreviation: 'PR'},
{name: 'Rhode Island', abbreviation: 'RI'},
{name: 'South Carolina', abbreviation: 'SC'},
{name: 'South Dakota', abbreviation: 'SD'},
{name: 'Tennessee', abbreviation: 'TN'},
{name: 'Texas', abbreviation: 'TX'},
{name: 'Utah', abbreviation: 'UT'},
{name: 'Vermont', abbreviation: 'VT'},
{name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', abbreviation: 'VI'},
{name: 'Virginia', abbreviation: 'VA'},
{name: 'Washington', abbreviation: 'WA'},
{name: 'West Virginia', abbreviation: 'WV'},
{name: 'Wisconsin', abbreviation: 'WI'},
{name: 'Wyoming', abbreviation: 'WY'}
Chance.prototype.street = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var street = this.word({syllables: 2});
street = this.capitalize(street);
street += ' ';
street += options.short_suffix ?
this.street_suffix().abbreviation :
return street;
Chance.prototype.street_suffix = function () {
return this.pick(this.street_suffixes());
Chance.prototype.street_suffixes = function () {
// These are the most common suffixes.
return [
{name: 'Avenue', abbreviation: 'Ave'},
{name: 'Boulevard', abbreviation: 'Blvd'},
{name: 'Center', abbreviation: 'Ctr'},
{name: 'Circle', abbreviation: 'Cir'},
{name: 'Court', abbreviation: 'Ct'},
{name: 'Drive', abbreviation: 'Dr'},
{name: 'Extension', abbreviation: 'Ext'},
{name: 'Glen', abbreviation: 'Gln'},
{name: 'Grove', abbreviation: 'Grv'},
{name: 'Heights', abbreviation: 'Hts'},
{name: 'Highway', abbreviation: 'Hwy'},
{name: 'Junction', abbreviation: 'Jct'},
{name: 'Key', abbreviation: 'Key'},
{name: 'Lane', abbreviation: 'Ln'},
{name: 'Loop', abbreviation: 'Loop'},
{name: 'Manor', abbreviation: 'Mnr'},
{name: 'Mill', abbreviation: 'Mill'},
{name: 'Park', abbreviation: 'Park'},
{name: 'Parkway', abbreviation: 'Pkwy'},
{name: 'Pass', abbreviation: 'Pass'},
{name: 'Path', abbreviation: 'Path'},
{name: 'Pike', abbreviation: 'Pike'},
{name: 'Place', abbreviation: 'Pl'},
{name: 'Plaza', abbreviation: 'Plz'},
{name: 'Point', abbreviation: 'Pt'},
{name: 'Ridge', abbreviation: 'Rdg'},
{name: 'River', abbreviation: 'Riv'},
{name: 'Road', abbreviation: 'Rd'},
{name: 'Square', abbreviation: 'Sq'},
{name: 'Street', abbreviation: 'St'},
{name: 'Terrace', abbreviation: 'Ter'},
{name: 'Trail', abbreviation: 'Trl'},
{name: 'Turnpike', abbreviation: 'Tpke'},
{name: 'View', abbreviation: 'Vw'},
{name: 'Way', abbreviation: 'Way'}
// Note: only returning US zip codes, internationalization will be a whole
// other beast to tackle at some point. = function (options) {
var zip = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
zip += this.natural({max: 9}).toString();
if (options && options.plusfour === true) {
zip += '-';
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
zip += this.natural({max: 9}).toString();
return zip;
// -- End Address --
// -- Time
Chance.prototype.ampm = function () {
return this.bool() ? 'am' : 'pm';
Chance.prototype.hour = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var max = options.twentyfour ? 24 : 12;
return this.natural({min: 1, max: max});
Chance.prototype.minute = function () {
return this.natural({max: 59});
Chance.prototype.month = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var month = this.pick(this.months());
return options.raw ? month :;
Chance.prototype.months = function () {
return [
{name: 'January', short_name: 'Jan', numeric: '01'},
{name: 'February', short_name: 'Feb', numeric: '02'},
{name: 'March', short_name: 'Mar', numeric: '03'},
{name: 'April', short_name: 'Apr', numeric: '04'},
{name: 'May', short_name: 'May', numeric: '05'},
{name: 'June', short_name: 'Jun', numeric: '06'},
{name: 'July', short_name: 'Jul', numeric: '07'},
{name: 'August', short_name: 'Aug', numeric: '08'},
{name: 'September', short_name: 'Sep', numeric: '09'},
{name: 'October', short_name: 'Oct', numeric: '10'},
{name: 'November', short_name: 'Nov', numeric: '11'},
{name: 'December', short_name: 'Dec', numeric: '12'}
Chance.prototype.second = function () {
return this.natural({max: 59});
Chance.prototype.timestamp = function () {
return this.natural({min: 1, max: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000, 10)});
Chance.prototype.year = function (options) {
// Default to current year as min if none specified
options = initOptions(options, {min: new Date().getFullYear()});
// Default to one century after current year as max if none specified
options.max = (typeof options.max !== "undefined") ? options.max : options.min + 100;
return this.natural(options).toString();
// -- End Time
// -- Finance -- = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var type, number, to_generate, type_name;
type = (options.type) ?
this.cc_type({ name: options.type, raw: true }) :
this.cc_type({ raw: true });
number = type.prefix.split("");
to_generate = type.length - type.prefix.length - 1;
// Generates n - 1 digits
for (var i = 0; i < to_generate; i++) {
number.push(this.integer({min: 0, max: 9}));
// Generates the last digit according to Luhn algorithm
return number.join("");
Chance.prototype.cc_types = function () {
return [
{name: "American Express", short_name: 'amex', prefix: '34', length: 15},
{name: "Bankcard", short_name: 'bankcard', prefix: '5610', length: 16},
{name: "China UnionPay", short_name: 'chinaunion', prefix: '62', length: 16},
{name: "Diners Club Carte Blanche", short_name: 'dccarte', prefix: '300', length: 14},
{name: "Diners Club enRoute", short_name: 'dcenroute', prefix: '2014', length: 15},
{name: "Diners Club International", short_name: 'dcintl', prefix: '36', length: 14},
{name: "Diners Club United States & Canada", short_name: 'dcusc', prefix: '54', length: 16},
{name: "Discover Card", short_name: 'discover', prefix: '6011', length: 16},
{name: "InstaPayment", short_name: 'instapay', prefix: '637', length: 16},
{name: "JCB", short_name: 'jcb', prefix: '3528', length: 16},
{name: "Laser", short_name: 'laser', prefix: '6304', length: 16},
{name: "Maestro", short_name: 'maestro', prefix: '5018', length: 16},
{name: "Mastercard", short_name: 'mc', prefix: '51', length: 16},
{name: "Solo", short_name: 'solo', prefix: '6334', length: 16},
{name: "Switch", short_name: 'switch', prefix: '4903', length: 16},
{name: "Visa", short_name: 'visa', prefix: '4', length: 16},
{name: "Visa Electron", short_name: 'electron', prefix: '4026', length: 16}
Chance.prototype.cc_type = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var types = this.cc_types(),
type = null;
if ( {
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
// Accept either name or short_name to specify card type
if (types[i].name === || types[i].short_name === {
type = types[i];
if (type === null) {
throw new Error("Credit card type '" + + "'' is not suppoted");
} else {
type = this.pick(types);
return options.raw ? type :;
Chance.prototype.dollar = function (options) {
// By default, a somewhat more sane max for dollar than all available numbers
options = initOptions(options, {max : 10000, min : 0});
var dollar = this.floating({min: options.min, max: options.max, fixed: 2}).toString(),
cents = dollar.split('.')[1];
if (cents === undefined) {
dollar += '.00';
} else if (cents.length < 2) {
dollar = dollar + '0';
return '$' + dollar;
Chance.prototype.exp = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var exp = {};
exp.year = this.exp_year();
// If the year is this year, need to ensure month is greater than the
// current month or this expiration will not be valid
if (exp.year === (new Date().getFullYear())) {
exp.month = this.exp_month({future: true});
} else {
exp.month = this.exp_month();
return options.raw ? exp : exp.month + '/' + exp.year;
Chance.prototype.exp_month = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options);
var month, month_int;
if (options.future) {
do {
month = this.month({raw: true}).numeric;
month_int = parseInt(month, 10);
} while (month_int < new Date().getMonth());
} else {
month = this.month({raw: true}).numeric;
return month;
Chance.prototype.exp_year = function () {
return this.year({max: new Date().getFullYear() + 10});
// -- End Finance
// -- Miscellaneous --
// Dice - For all the board game geeks out there, myself included ;)
Chance.prototype.d4 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 4}); };
Chance.prototype.d6 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 6}); };
Chance.prototype.d8 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 8}); };
Chance.prototype.d10 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 10}); };
Chance.prototype.d12 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 12}); };
Chance.prototype.d20 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 20}); };
Chance.prototype.d30 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 30}); };
Chance.prototype.d100 = function () { return this.natural({min: 1, max: 100}); };
Chance.prototype.rpg = function (thrown, options) {
options = initOptions(options);
if (thrown === null) {
throw new Error("A type of die roll must be included");
} else {
var bits = thrown.toLowerCase().split("d"),
rolls = [];
if (bits.length !== 2 || !parseInt(bits[0], 10) || !parseInt(bits[1], 10)) {
throw new Error("Invalid format provided. Please provide #d# where the first # is the number of dice to roll, the second # is the max of each die");
for (var i = bits[0]; i > 0; i--) {
rolls[i - 1] = this.natural({min: 1, max: bits[1]});
return (typeof options.sum !== 'undefined' && options.sum) ? rolls.reduce(function (p, c) { return p + c; }) : rolls;
// Guid
Chance.prototype.guid = function () {
return this.hash({casing: 'upper', length: 8}) + '-' +
this.hash({casing: 'upper', length: 4}) + '-' +
this.hash({casing: 'upper', length: 4}) + '-' +
this.hash({casing: 'upper', length: 4}) + '-' +
this.hash({casing: 'upper', length: 12});
// Hash
Chance.prototype.hash = function (options) {
options = initOptions(options, {length : 40, casing: 'lower'});
var pool = options.casing === 'upper' ? HEX_POOL.toUpperCase() : HEX_POOL;
return this.string({pool: pool, length: options.length});
Chance.prototype.mersenne_twister = function (seed) {
return new MersenneTwister(seed);
Chance.prototype.luhn_check = function (num) {
var str = num.toString();
var checkDigit = +str.substring(str.length - 1);
return checkDigit === this.luhn_calculate(+str.substring(0, str.length - 1));
Chance.prototype.luhn_calculate = function (num) {
var digits = num.toString().split("").reverse();
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = digits.length; l > i; ++i) {
var digit = +digits[i];
if (i % 2 === 0) {
digit *= 2;
if (digit > 9) {
digit -= 9;
sum += digit;
return (sum * 9) % 10;
// -- End Miscellaneous --
Chance.prototype.VERSION = "0.4.3";
// Mersenne Twister from
var MersenneTwister = function (seed) {
if (seed === undefined) {
seed = new Date().getTime();
/* Period parameters */
this.N = 624;
this.M = 397;
this.MATRIX_A = 0x9908b0df; /* constant vector a */
this.UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000; /* most significant w-r bits */
this.LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffff; /* least significant r bits */ = new Array(this.N); /* the array for the state vector */
this.mti = this.N + 1; /* mti==N + 1 means mt[N] is not initialized */
/* initializes mt[N] with a seed */
MersenneTwister.prototype.init_genrand = function (s) {[0] = s >>> 0;
for (this.mti = 1; this.mti < this.N; this.mti++) {
s =[this.mti - 1] ^ ([this.mti - 1] >>> 30);[this.mti] = (((((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1812433253) << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1812433253) + this.mti;
/* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */
/* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect */
/* only MSBs of the array mt[]. */
/* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto */[this.mti] >>>= 0;
/* for >32 bit machines */
/* initialize by an array with array-length */
/* init_key is the array for initializing keys */
/* key_length is its length */
/* slight change for C++, 2004/2/26 */
MersenneTwister.prototype.init_by_array = function (init_key, key_length) {
var i = 1, j = 0, k, s;
k = (this.N > key_length ? this.N : key_length);
for (; k; k--) {
s =[i - 1] ^ ([i - 1] >>> 30);[i] = ([i] ^ (((((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1664525) << 16) + ((s & 0x0000ffff) * 1664525))) + init_key[j] + j; /* non linear */[i] >>>= 0; /* for WORDSIZE > 32 machines */
if (i >= this.N) {[0] =[this.N - 1]; i = 1; }
if (j >= key_length) { j = 0; }
for (k = this.N - 1; k; k--) {
s =[i - 1] ^ ([i - 1] >>> 30);[i] = ([i] ^ (((((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1566083941) << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1566083941)) - i; /* non linear */[i] >>>= 0; /* for WORDSIZE > 32 machines */
if (i >= this.N) {[0] =[this.N - 1]; i = 1; }
}[0] = 0x80000000; /* MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array */
/* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval */
MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_int32 = function () {
var y;
var mag01 = new Array(0x0, this.MATRIX_A);
/* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A for x=0,1 */
if (this.mti >= this.N) { /* generate N words at one time */
var kk;
if (this.mti === this.N + 1) { /* if init_genrand() has not been called, */
this.init_genrand(5489); /* a default initial seed is used */
for (kk = 0; kk < this.N - this.M; kk++) {
y = ([kk]&this.UPPER_MASK)|([kk + 1]&this.LOWER_MASK);[kk] =[kk + this.M] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
for (;kk < this.N - 1; kk++) {
y = ([kk]&this.UPPER_MASK)|([kk + 1]&this.LOWER_MASK);[kk] =[kk + (this.M - this.N)] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
y = ([this.N - 1]&this.UPPER_MASK)|([0]&this.LOWER_MASK);[this.N - 1] =[this.M - 1] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
this.mti = 0;
y =[this.mti++];
/* Tempering */
y ^= (y >>> 11);
y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680;
y ^= (y << 15) & 0xefc60000;
y ^= (y >>> 18);
return y >>> 0;
/* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval */
MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_int31 = function () {
return (this.genrand_int32() >>> 1);
/* generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval */
MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_real1 = function () {
return this.genrand_int32() * (1.0 / 4294967295.0);
/* divided by 2^32-1 */
/* generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval */
MersenneTwister.prototype.random = function () {
return this.genrand_int32() * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);
/* divided by 2^32 */
/* generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval */
MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_real3 = function () {
return (this.genrand_int32() + 0.5) * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);
/* divided by 2^32 */
/* generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution*/
MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_res53 = function () {
var a = this.genrand_int32()>>>5, b = this.genrand_int32()>>>6;
return (a * 67108864.0 + b) * (1.0 / 9007199254740992.0);
// CommonJS module
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports = module.exports = Chance;
exports.Chance = Chance;
// Register as a named AMD module
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('Chance', [], function () {
return Chance;
// If there is a window object, that at least has a document property,
// instantiate and define chance on the window
window.Chance = Chance;
window.chance = new Chance();
function initOptions(options, defaults) {
options || (options = {});
if (!defaults) {
return options;
for (var i in defaults) {
if (typeof options[i] === 'undefined') {
options[i] = defaults[i];
return options;
function testRange(test, errorMessage) {
if (test) {
throw new RangeError(errorMessage);
importScript(24) // chance.js
var randomMail ={domain: ''});
click(image(62).before().box(366, 46, 104, 56).offset(84, 34), image(62))
click(image(63).before().box(23, 588, 433, 79).offset(354, 33), image(63))
type('Andreas', image(64))
click(image(65).before().box(4, 276, 472, 69).offset(304, 31), image(65))
type(randomMail, image(66))
click(image(67).before().box(4, 382, 472, 69).offset(173, 38), image(67))
type('abcd1234', image(68))
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