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Created October 26, 2018 02:02
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Fred Krueger Character

[Character Name] – [Player Name]


Metatype Attributes Mag/Res Skills Resources

##Personal Details

Name/Alias: [Insert name]

Metatype: troll

Street Cred Notoriety Public Awareness
0 0 0
Karma Total Karma
7 7


Bod Agi Rea Str Wil Log Int Cha Edg Mag Ess
8 4 5 9 4 4 4 2 1 4 6


Physical Mental Social
11 6 5


Name Category Ref
Ambidextrous Positive SR5 p71
Adept Positive SR5 p69
Astral Beacon Negative SR5 p78
Distinctive Style Negative SR5 p80


Type: Adept


name points levels doublecost bonus source page
Improved Reflexes 3 3.5 N/A no SR5 310
Killing Hands .5 N/A SR5 310



Name Rating Attribute Spec DP
Unarmed Combat 6 4 10
Intimidation 6 2 8
Blades 6 4 10

##Street Gear


Name Acc Dam AP Reach/RC Mods Ref
Hand Razors Physical (STR+1)P -3 0 N/A SR5 p458,
Hand Razors Physical (STR+1)P -3 0 N/A SR5 p458,
Shock Gloves Physical 8S(e) -5 0 N/A SR5 p423,
Unarmed Attack Physical (STR)S - 0 N/A SR5 p132,
Plasteel Toe Boots Physical (STR+1)P - 0 N/A HT p179


Name Armor Capacity Mods Ref
Armor Vest 9 undefined/9 N/A SR5 p437,
Armor Clothing 6 undefined/6 N/A SR5 p437
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