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Created December 2, 2020 01:56
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Robust rays w/ embree 3 in python
import embree
import numpy as np
def get_centroids(V, F):
return V[F].mean(axis=1)
def get_cross_products(V, F):
V0 = V[F][:, 0, :]
C = np.cross(V[F][:, 1, :] - V0, V[F][:, 2, :] - V0)
return C
def get_face_areas(V, F):
C = get_cross_products(V, F)
C_norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2, axis=1))
A = C_norms/2
return A
def get_surface_normals(V, F):
C = get_cross_products(V, F)
C_norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2, axis=1))
N = C/C_norms.reshape(C.shape[0], 1)
return N
def get_surface_normals_and_face_areas(V, F):
C = get_cross_products(V, F)
C_norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2, axis=1))
N = C/C_norms.reshape(C.shape[0], 1)
A = C_norms/2
return N, A
class TrimeshShapeModel:
def __init__(self, V, F, P=None, N=None, A=None):
self.dtype = V.dtype
self.V = V
self.F = F
if N is None and A is None:
N, A = get_surface_normals_and_face_areas(V, F)
elif A is None:
if N.shape[0] != F.shape[0]:
raise Exception(
'must pass same number of surface normals as faces (got ' +
'%d faces and %d normals' % (F.shape[0], N.shape[0])
A = get_face_areas(V, F)
elif N is None:
N = get_surface_normals(V, F)
self.P = get_centroids(V, F)
self.N = N
self.A = A
assert self.P.dtype == self.dtype
assert self.N.dtype == self.dtype
assert self.A.dtype == self.dtype
def _make_scene(self):
'''Set up an Embree scene. This function allocates some memory that
Embree manages, and loads vertices and index lists for the
faces. In Embree parlance, this function creates a "device",
which manages a "scene", which has one "geometry" in it, which
is our mesh.
device = embree.Device()
geometry = device.make_geometry(embree.GeometryType.Triangle)
scene = device.make_scene()
vertex_buffer = geometry.set_new_buffer(
embree.BufferType.Vertex, # buf_type
0, # slot
embree.Format.Float3, # fmt
3*np.dtype('float32').itemsize, # byte_stride
self.V.shape[0], # item_count
vertex_buffer[:] = self.V[:]
index_buffer = geometry.set_new_buffer(
embree.BufferType.Index, # buf_type
0, # slot
embree.Format.Uint3, # fmt
3*np.dtype('uint32').itemsize, # byte_stride,
index_buffer[:] = self.F[:]
# This is the only variable we need to retain a reference to
# (I think)
self.scene = scene
def __reduce__(self):
return (self.__class__, (self.V, self.F, self.P, self.N, self.A))
def num_faces(self):
return self.P.shape[0]
def check_vis_1_to_N(self, i, J, eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = 1e3*np.finfo(np.float32).resolution
D = self.P[J] - self.P[i]
D /= np.sqrt(np.sum(D**2, axis=1)).reshape(D.shape[0], 1)
P = self.P[i] + eps*D
rayhit = embree.RayHit1M(len(J))
context = embree.IntersectContext()[:] = P
rayhit.dir[:] = D
rayhit.tnear[:] = 0
rayhit.tfar[:] = np.inf
rayhit.flags[:] = 0
rayhit.geom_id[:] = embree.INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID
self.scene.intersect1M(context, rayhit)
return np.logical_and(
rayhit.geom_id != embree.INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID,
rayhit.prim_id == J
def intersect(self, origins, dirs, tnear_override=None):
m = origins.shape[0]
if dirs.shape[0] != m:
raise Exception('origins and dirs need the same number of rows')
rayhit = embree.RayHit1M(m)
context = embree.IntersectContext()[:] = origins
rayhit.dir[:] = dirs
if not tnear_override is None:
rayhit.tnear[:] = 0
rayhit.tfar[:] = np.inf
rayhit.flags[:] = 0
rayhit.geom_id[:] = embree.INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID
self.scene.intersect1M(context, rayhit)
I = rayhit.prim_id.copy().astype(np.intp)
I[rayhit.geom_id == embree.INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID] = -1
return I
def get_direct_irradiance(self, F0, dir_sun, eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = 1e3*np.finfo(np.float32).resolution
# Here, we use Embree directly to find the indices of triangles
# which are directly illuminated (I_sun) or not (I_shadow).
ray = embree.Ray1M(self.num_faces)[:] = self.P + eps*self.N
ray.dir[:] = dir_sun
ray.tnear[:] = 0
ray.tfar[:] = np.inf
ray.flags[:] = 0
context = embree.IntersectContext()
self.scene.occluded1M(context, ray)
# Determine which rays escaped (i.e., can see the sun)
I = np.isposinf(ray.tfar)
# Compute the direct irradiance
E = np.zeros(self.num_faces, dtype=self.dtype)
E[I] = F0*np.maximum(0, self.N[I]@dir_sun)
return E
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