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Created October 17, 2020 20:56
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using AGConnectAdmin;
using AGConnectAdmin.Messaging;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
private const string TOKEN_ANDROID =
static void Main(string[] args)
AGConnectApp.Create(new AppOptions()
ClientId = "103010861",
ClientSecret = "b2bf3771e681be1b57f19f5cbfa5f453affa3349bb605a85ab8e8a5f8f4821cb",
public static void SendAndroidMessage()
var response = AGConnectMessaging.DefaultInstance.SendAsync(new Message()
Android = new AndroidConfig()
Notification = new AndroidNotification()
Title = "Notification from .NET",
Body = "Hello world!",
ClickAction = ClickAction.OpenApp()
Token = new List<string>() {TOKEN_ANDROID}
Console.WriteLine("Response: " + response.Result);
private static void SendDataMessage()
var response = AGConnectMessaging.DefaultInstance.SendAsync(new Message()
Data = "{'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}",
Android = new AndroidConfig()
Urgency = UrgencyPriority.HIGH
Token = new List<string>() {TOKEN_ANDROID}
Console.WriteLine("Response: " + response.Result);
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