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Created August 12, 2019 11:36
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CryptoSwift TOTP
import CryptoSwift
import Foundation
// Combined from and
/// Generates Time-based One-time Passwords using HMAC.
/// let code = TOTP.SHA1.generate(secret: "hi")
/// print(code) "123456"
/// You can also generate ranges using `generateRange(...)`.
public struct TOTP {
public init() {
/// Generates a range of TOTP tokens to a specific degree. This method
/// calls the `generate(...)` method internally.
/// let codes = try TOTP.SHA1.generateRange(degree: 1, secret: key)
/// print(codes) // [String]
/// - parameters:
/// - degree: Number of codes (in addition to the main code) to generate in both the forward
/// and backward direction. This number must be at least 1. For each degree, the total
/// code count will be increased by two: one for an additional degree in the positive
/// and negative offset directions.
/// For example, if `degree` is `2`, there will be `5` codes returned: The main code,
/// two codes at offset 1 (1 and -1), and two codes at offset 2 (2 and -2).
/// - digits: Number of digits to include in the password.
/// Defaults to six.
/// - secret: Cleartext (_not_ Base32 encoded) secret key.
/// - date: Date to generate the TOTP for. This will be divided into intervals automatically.
public func generateRange(degree: Int, digits: OTPDigits = .six, secret: Data, at date: Date = .init()) throws -> [String] {
var res: [String] = try [
generate(digits: digits, secret: secret, offset: 0, at: date)
for i in {
try res.append(generate(digits: digits, secret: secret, offset: i, at: date))
try res.append(generate(digits: digits, secret: secret, offset: -1 * i, at: date))
return res
/// Generates a single TOTP.
/// let code = TOTP.SHA1.generate(secret: "hi")
/// print(code) "123456"
/// - parameters:
/// - digits: Number of digits to include in the password.
/// Defaults to six.
/// - secret: Cleartext (_not_ Base32 encoded) secret key.
/// - offset: Specific offset (in intervals) from the supplied date.
/// Defaults to 0.
/// - date: Date to generate the TOTP for. This will be divided into intervals automatically.
public func generate(digits: OTPDigits = .six, secret: Data, offset: Int = 0, at date: Date = .init()) throws -> String {
let counter = floor(floor(date.timeIntervalSince1970) / 30)
return try generateOTP(secret: secret, counter: UInt64(counter - Double(offset)), digits: digits)
/// Supported OTP password length.
public enum OTPDigits: Int {
/// Six digit password.
case six = 6
/// Seven digit password.
case seven = 7
/// Eight digit password.
case eight = 8
/// Returns 10^digit
internal var pow: UInt32 {
switch self {
case .six: return 1_000_000
case .seven: return 10_000_000
case .eight: return 100_000_000
// MARK: Private
private func generateOTP(secret: Data, counter: UInt64, digits: OTPDigits) throws -> String {
let digest = try HMAC(key: secret.bytes, variant: .sha256).authenticate(
// get last 4 bits of hash for use as offset
let offset = Int(digest[digest.count - 1] & 0x0f)
// get 4 bytes of the hash using offset
let subdigest = Data(digest[offset...offset + 3])
// convert data to UInt32
var num = subdigest.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt32.self).pointee.bigEndian }
// remove most sig bit
num &= 0x7fffffff
// modulo num by digits
num = num % digits.pow
// convert to readable num
let desc = num.description
return String(repeating: "0", count: digits.rawValue - desc.count) + desc
private extension FixedWidthInteger {
var data: Data {
var int = self
return .init(bytes: &int, count: MemoryLayout<Self>.size)
let secret: Data = "SomeData".data(using: .utf8)!
let time = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1565609692)
let totp = try! TOTP().generate(digits: .six, secret: secret, at: time)
let range: [String]? = try? TOTP().generateRange(degree: 1, digits: .six, secret: secret, at: time)
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