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Last active August 14, 2018 14:01
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Asset Tracker Cloud Functions
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const Geopoint = require('geopoint');
const googleapis = require('googleapis');
const GeoPointFirestore = admin.firestore.GeoPoint;
const db = admin.firestore();
const DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 0.05; // 50 meters
const PROJECT_ID = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT;
const REGION = 'us-central1';
const REGISTRY = 'asset-tracker-registry';
* Receive a http request with deviceId and updateInterval, then
* call modifyCloudToDeviceConfig method of Cloud IoT Core
* to update the device configuration.
exports.updateDeviceConfig = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
let { deviceId, updateInterval } = req.query;
if (!deviceId) {
res.json({ err: 'Param `deviceId` is required!' });
updateInterval = parseInt(updateInterval, 10);
if (!updateInterval) {
res.json({ err: 'Param `updateInterval` is required!' });
.then(client => {
const device_name = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/registries/${REGISTRY}/devices/${deviceId}`;
const newConfig = { update_interval: updateInterval };
const data = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(newConfig), 'utf-8');
const binaryData = data.toString('base64');
name: device_name,
resource: {
version_to_update: 0,
data: {
binary_data: binaryData
(err, response) => {
if (!err) {
let deviceRef = db.collection('devices').doc(deviceId);
{ merge: true }
res.json({ err, response });
.catch(err => {
res.json({ err });
* Receive data from pubsub, then
* Maintain last device data on Firestore 'devices' collections then
* Write telemetry raw data to 'devices/location_logs' subcollection
exports.receiveTelemetry = functions.pubsub
.onPublish((message, context) => {
const attributes = message.attributes;
const payload = message.json;
const deviceId = attributes['deviceId'];
const data = {
deviceId: deviceId,
timestamp: new Date(context.timestamp),
latitude: parseFloat(,
longitude: parseFloat(payload.latlon.lon),
speed: parseFloat(payload.latlon.sp),
deviceTemperature: payload.temp,
deviceFreeRam: payload.free_ram,
deviceTotalRam: payload.total_ram
let deviceRef = db.collection('devices').doc(deviceId);
return deviceRef.get().then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
data.state = 'MOVING';
return Promise.all([
updateCurrentDataFirestore(deviceRef, data),
insertLocationLog(deviceRef, data)
]).then(() => {
return updateDeviceDateIndex(deviceRef, data, {});
let device =;
let newLocation = new Geopoint(data.latitude, data.longitude);
let lastLocation = new Geopoint(
let distanceKm = lastLocation.distanceTo(newLocation, true);
if (distanceKm >= DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
data.state = 'MOVING';
return Promise.all([
updateCurrentDataFirestore(deviceRef, data),
insertLocationLog(deviceRef, data)
]).then(() => {
return updateDeviceDateIndex(deviceRef, data, device.dateIndex);
} else {
data.state = 'STOPPED';
return updateCurrentDataFirestore(deviceRef, data);
const API_SCOPES = [''];
const API_VERSION = 'v1';
const DISCOVERY_API = '$discovery/rest';
const SERVICE_NAME = 'cloudiot';
function getCloudIoTClient() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
googleapis.auth.getApplicationDefault((err, auth, projectId) => {
if (err) {
googleapis.discoverAPI(DISCOVERY_URL, { auth }, (err, service) => {
if (!err) {
} else {
* Maintain last status in Firestore
function updateCurrentDataFirestore(deviceRef, data) {
let location = new GeoPointFirestore(data.latitude, data.longitude);
return deviceRef.set(
state: data.state,
lastTimestamp: data.timestamp,
speed: data.speed,
deviceTemperature: data.deviceTemperature,
deviceFreeRam: data.deviceFreeRam,
deviceTotalRam: data.deviceTotalRam
{ merge: true }
* Store all the log data in sub collection
function insertLocationLog(deviceRef, data) {
let location = new GeoPointFirestore(data.latitude, data.longitude);
return deviceRef.collection('location_logs').add({
timestamp: data.timestamp,
speed: data.speed
* Update device date index with all days that have data
function updateDeviceDateIndex(deviceRef, data, dateIndex) {
const key = data.timestamp.toJSON().substring(0, 10);
const count = dateIndex[key];
if (!count) {
dateIndex[key] = 1;
} else {
dateIndex[key] = count + 1;
return deviceRef.update({
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