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************* Module nltk
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0511(fixme), ] FIXME: override any accidentally imported demo, see
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'help'
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), ] Constant name "version_file" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "from nltk.internals import config_java" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "import subprocess" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), _fake_PIPE] Function name "_fake_PIPE" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0613(unused-argument), _fake_PIPE] U
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
************* Module nltk
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'help'
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), ] Constant name "version_file" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "from nltk.internals import config_java" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "import subprocess" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), _fake_PIPE] Function name "_fake_PIPE" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0613(unused-argument), _fake_PIPE] Unused argument 'args'
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0613(unused-argument), _fake_PIPE] Unused argument 'kwargs'
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
************* Module nltk
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'help'
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), ] Constant name "version_file" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "from nltk.internals import config_java" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0413(wrong-import-position), ] Import "import subprocess" should be placed at the top of the module
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [C0103(invalid-name), _fake_PIPE] Function name "_fake_PIPE" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0613(unused-argument), _fake_PIPE] Unused argument 'args'
/Users/liling.tan/fixnltk/nltk/nltk/ [W0613(unused-argument), _fake_PIPE] Unused argument 'kwargs'
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
alvations /
Created September 29, 2017 11:49 — forked from ogrisel/
Mean target value encoding for categorical variable using dask
import os
import os.path as op
from time import time
import dask.dataframe as ddf
import dask.array as da
from dask import delayed, compute
from distributed import Client
def make_categorical_data(n_samples=int(1e7), n_features=10):
alvations /
Created August 27, 2017 00:28 — forked from neubig/
A small sequence labeler in DyNet
DyNet implementation of a sequence labeler (POS taggger).
This is a translation of this tagger in PyTorch:
Basic architecture:
- take words
- run though bidirectional GRU
- predict labels one word at a time (left to right), using a recurrent neural network "decoder"
The decoder updates hidden state based on:
- most recent word
alvations /
Created August 22, 2017 00:06 — forked from hal3/
PyTorch implementation of a sequence labeler (POS taggger).
PyTorch implementation of a sequence labeler (POS taggger).
Basic architecture:
- take words
- run though bidirectional GRU
- predict labels one word at a time (left to right), using a recurrent neural network "decoder"
The decoder updates hidden state based on:
- most recent word
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alvations /
Created July 13, 2017 01:10 — forked from sheljohn/
Print with colors in most shells (Python, standalone)
class ColorPrinter:
cprint = ColorPrinter()
cprint.rst().out('Bye now...')
alvations /
Created July 13, 2017 01:10 — forked from sheljohn/
Print with colors in most shells (Python, standalone)
class ColorPrinter:
cprint = ColorPrinter()
cprint.rst().out('Bye now...')