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Created March 7, 2024 11:23
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Gatsby -> Bridgetown
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'fileutils'
# Define your source and destination directories
source_dir = 'content/blog'
posts_destination_dir = 'src/_posts'
images_destination_dir = 'src/images'
# Make sure the destination directories exist
FileUtils.mkdir_p(posts_destination_dir) unless Dir.exist?(posts_destination_dir)
FileUtils.mkdir_p(images_destination_dir) unless Dir.exist?(images_destination_dir)
# Regex to match Markdown image paths excluding absolute URLs
markdown_img_regex = /!\[\]\(((?!http:\/\/|https:\/\/)[^)]+)\)/
# List all directories within the source directory
Dir.glob("#{source_dir}/*").select { |f| }.each do |dir|
# Get the name of the directory
dir_name = File.basename(dir)
# For migrating assets, check if there are files in the directory
if Dir.glob("#{dir}/*").any? { |f| File.file?(f) && !f.end_with?('') }
# Construct the destination directory path for images
destination_images_dir = File.join(images_destination_dir, dir_name)
# Move the entire directory (which now only contains assets)
Dir.glob("#{dir}/*").each do |file|
# Skip the file
next if File.basename(file) == ''
# Ensure destination directory exists
FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_images_dir) unless Dir.exist?(destination_images_dir)
# Move each file, File.join(destination_images_dir, File.basename(file)))
puts "Moved assets from #{dir} to #{destination_images_dir}"
# For migrating Markdown files
# Construct the source file path
source_file = File.join(dir, '')
# Construct the destination file path for posts
destination_post_file = File.join(posts_destination_dir, "#{dir_name}.md")
# Migrate and update Markdown file if it exists
if File.exist?(source_file)
# Read the content of the Markdown file
content =
# Replace image paths in the content
content = content.gsub(markdown_img_regex) do |match|
# Add layout to the frontmatter
content.sub!(/^---/, "---\nlayout: post")
# Write the updated content to the new destination
File.write(destination_post_file, content)
FileUtils.rm(source_file) # Remove the original Markdown file
puts "Updated and moved #{source_file} to #{destination_post_file}"
puts "Migration and update completed."
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This only migrates the content of your gatsby website.

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