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Last active March 27, 2016 23:15
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Save alvipeo/dadf3f7910ae4e325284 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Undating the view inside Observable.subscribe
//use typescript for compilation
transpiler: 'typescript',
//typescript compiler options
typescriptOptions: {
emitDecoratorMetadata: true
//map tells the System loader where to look for things
map: {
app: './src'
//packages defines our app package
packages: {
app: {
main: './main.ts',
filelist: './filelest.ts',
fileitem: './fileitem.ts',
processingService: './processingService',
typingText: './typingText.ts',
defaultExtension: 'ts'
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
export class IlgFileItem {
private _progress: number = 0;
constructor (private _id: number) {}
get progress(): number {
return this._progress;
updateProgress(): boolean {
if (this._progress < 100) {
this._progress += 5;
return true;
return false;
import {Input, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, AfterViewInit, OnChanges, SimpleChange, ViewChild} from "angular2/core";
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
import {IlgFlyingText} from './typingText';
import {IlgFileItem} from './fileitem';
import {ProcessingService} from './processingService';
selector: "ilg-filelist",
template: `<div>
<li class="progr" *ngFor="#file of items" [style.width.%]="file.progress"><span>{{file.progress}}</span></li>
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush // COMMENT OUT THIS LINE TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK
export class IlgFilelist {
@Input() numberOfItems: number;
filesArray$: Observable<Array<IlgFileItem>>;
private _items: Array<IlgFileItem>;
get items(): Array<IlgFileItem> {
return this._items;
constructor() {
run() {
this._processingService = new ProcessingService(this.numberOfItems);
.subscribe((array: Array<IlgFileItem) => {
this._items = array;
console.log(this._items !== array);
() => console.log("COMPLETE");
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
import {IlgFilelist} from "./filelist";
selector: 'app',
template: `<div>
<p>If you start process just like this you won't see anything happening in the view (but will see it in the console). But if you comment out ChangeDetectionProperty.OnPush in 'filelist.ts' the component will be updating its view.</p>
<a (click)="$event.preventDefault();;" href="#">Start process</a>
<ilg-filelist #list [numberOfItems]="5"></ilg-filelist>
directives: [IlgFilelist]
export class App {
constructor() {}
bootstrap(App, []);
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
import {IlgFileItem} from './fileitem';
export class ProcessingService {
constructor(private _amount: number) {
process(): Observable<Array<IlgFileItem>> {
const arr = Array<IlgFileItem>();
for (let i=0; i<this._amount; i++) {
arr[i] = new IlgFileItem(i));
const ob$ =
.map(() => return arr)
.map(arr => {
do {
let rndIdx = this.getRandomIndex();
} while (!arr[rndIdx].updateProgress());
const newArr = new Array<IlgFileItem>(...arr);
newArr.forEach((element) => console.log(element));
return newArr;
.takeWhile(arr => !arr.every((item: IlgFileItem) => item.progress == 100));
return ob$;
private getRandomIndex(): number {
const min = 0;
const max = this._amount;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
import {Input, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, AfterViewInit, OnChanges, SimpleChange} from "angular2/core";
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
selector: "ilg-flying-text",
template: "{{ showError$ | async }}",
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class IlgFlyingText implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges {
@Input() text: string;
showError$: Observable<string>;
ngAfterViewInit() {
ngOnChanges(changes: { [propName: string]: SimpleChange }) {
private initObservable() {
if (!!this.text) {
this.showError$ = this.createErrorObservable(this.text);
} else {
this.showError$ = Observable.of(null);
private createErrorObservable(errText: string): Observable<string> {
let o1$ = Observable.of(errText);
let o2$ = Observable.interval(25);
let o$ = o1$
.map(tuple => tuple[0])
.scan((acc, val) => acc += val[0]);
//.do(val => console.log(val));
return o$;
/* todo: add styles */
.progr {
height: 2rem;
background-color: blue;
color: white;
text-align: center;
display: table;
.progr span {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 0.3rem;
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