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Keep going

Alvin Wanjala alvyynm

Keep going
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alvyynm /
Created April 29, 2022 06:05 — forked from BethanyJep/
Below are resources might need to learn Python for AI and Data Science.

Python for AI learning resources.

Below are resources might need to learn Python for AI and Data Science.

Quick note, as a student some of these platforms you can access for free using the Github Sudent Pack, take advantage of that.

Here is a roadmap to Data Science from Hackernoon.

Interactive learning tutorials.

alvyynm /
Created May 7, 2022 00:20 — forked from wojteklu/
Summary of 'Clean code' by Robert C. Martin

Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team. Clean code can be read and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility and maintainability.

General rules

  1. Follow standard conventions.
  2. Keep it simple stupid. Simpler is always better. Reduce complexity as much as possible.
  3. Boy scout rule. Leave the campground cleaner than you found it.
  4. Always find root cause. Always look for the root cause of a problem.

Design rules

alvyynm /
Created July 21, 2022 20:11 — forked from ibraheem4/
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX)

Installing Postgres via Brew


Brew Package Manager

In your command-line run the following commands:

  1. brew doctor
  2. brew update