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Created October 28, 2016 18:38
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Proof of concept for directly invoking the built-in DSC File Resource.
$record = @{}
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
$tempPath = "$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())FileResourceTest"
Describe 'File' {
Context 'setup' {
$fqClassName = @{
Namespace = 'root/microsoft/windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'
ClassName = 'MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration'
It 'get the class' {
$record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration = Get-CimClass @fqClassName
$record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration |
Should not beNullOrEmpty
if ( -not $record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration )
It 'start a session with elevated credentials' {
$record.ElevatedSession = New-CimSession -Credential (
Get-Credential -Message 'elevated credential to access MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration class'
It 'get the class with other credentials' {
$record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration = Get-CimClass @fqClassName -CimSession $record.ElevatedSession
$record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration |
Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'the class is of type CimClass' {
$record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration |
Should beOfType ([cimclass])
It 'create the input instance' {
$record.InputResource = [ciminstance]::new($record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration)
$record.InputResource |
Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'the input instance is of type MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration' {
$r = $record.InputResource |
Get-Member |
Select -First 1
$r.TypeName |
Should be 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#ROOT/microsoft/windows/DesiredStateConfiguration/MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration'
It 'set the properties of the input instance' {
$record.InputResource.DestinationPath = "$tempPath\$guid.txt"
$record.InputResource.Contents = 'some contents'
It 'there is no file is at the destination' {
Test-Path "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be $false
Context 'invocation' {
$splat = @{
CimClass = $record.MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration
Arguments = @{
Flags = 0 # Uint32 "Flags passed to the providers. Reserved for future use."
InputResource = $record.InputResource
It 'invoke Test() [1]' {
$record.Test1 = Invoke-CimMethod TestTargetResource @splat
$record.Test1 | Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'result is false' {
$record.Test1.Result |
Should be $false
It 'theres is still no file is at the destination' {
Test-Path "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be $false
It 'invoke Get() [1]' {
$record.Get1 = Invoke-CimMethod GetTargetResource @splat
$record.Get1 | Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'invoke Set() [1]' {
$record.Set1 = Invoke-CimMethod SetTargetResource @splat
$record.Set1 | Should not beNullOrEMpty
It 'invoke Test() [2]' {
$record.Test2 = Invoke-CimMethod TestTargetResource @splat
$record.Test2 | Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'result is true' {
$record.Test2.Result |
Should be $true
It 'theres is a file is at the destination' {
Test-Path "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be $true
It 'the contents are correct' {
Get-Content "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be 'some contents'
It 'invoke Get() [2]' {
$record.Get2 = Invoke-CimMethod GetTargetResource @splat
$record.Get2 | Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'change the Contents property of the InputResource' {
$record.InputResource.Contents = 'new contents'
It 'invoke Test() [3]' {
$record.Test3 = Invoke-CimMethod TestTargetResource @splat
$record.Test3 | Should not beNullOrEmpty
It 'result is false' {
$record.Test3.Result |
Should be $false
It 'invoke Set() [3]' {
$record.Set3 = Invoke-CimMethod SetTargetResource @splat
$record.Set3 | Should not beNullOrEMpty
It 'theres is a file is at the destination' {
Test-Path "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be $true
It 'the contents are correct' {
Get-Content "$tempPath\$guid.txt" |
Should be 'new contents'
Context 'cleanup' {
It "remove $guid.txt" {
Remove-Item "$tempPath\$guid.txt" -Force -ea Stop
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