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Created January 27, 2012 00:31
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Save alxf/1686131 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lighttpd share ftp directory
#load auth module
server.modules += ( "mod_auth" )
#auth settings
auth.debug = 2
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/etc/vsftpd.passwd"
#generate auth blocks for each ftp account
include_shell "/etc/lighttpd/"
# - generate lighttpd ftp share configuration -
# * Generate auth block from ftp account filedb password.
# * Deny access to directories when no matching ftp account.
# Call this script from lighttpd configuration:
# include_shell "/path/to/"
# script configuration
FTP_USERS=$(cat /etc/vsftpd.passwd | cut -d':' -f1)
FTP_DIRS=$(find $FTP_ROOT -maxdepth 1 -type d)
# generate auth block configuration
printf -- "auth.require = (\n"
# bind valid account
for user in $FTP_USERS; do
printf -- "\t\"/%s\" => (\n" "$user"
printf -- "\t\t\"method\" => \"basic\",\n"
printf -- "\t\t\"realm\" => \"Password protected area\",\n"
printf -- "\t\t\"require\" => \"user=%s\",\n" "$user"
printf -- "\t),\n"
# bind ftp root share
printf -- "\t\"\" => (\n"
printf -- "\t\t\"method\" => \"basic\",\n"
printf -- "\t\t\"realm\" => \"Password protected area\",\n"
printf -- "\t\t\"require\" => \"valid-user\",\n"
printf -- "\t)\n"
printf -- ")\n"
printf -- "\n"
# exclude unknown account directory
for dir in $FTP_DIRS; do
if [ "$dir" != "$FTP_ROOT" ]; then
dname=$(basename "$dir")
if ! echo "$FTP_USERS" | grep -e "^$dname$" > /dev/null; then
printf -- "\$HTTP[\"url\"] =~ \"^/%s/\" {\n" "$dname"
printf -- "\turl.access-deny = ( \"\" )\n"
printf -- "}\n"
printf -- "\n"
# end program
exit 0
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