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Created May 14, 2012 09:46
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Save alxf/2692990 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read hosts in ssh client configuration.
# - ssh-lookup -
# This script read configuration file for ssh client. Without argument it list
# all hosts entries in the file. With host as argument, it print the real address
# for this entry.
# $
# host1.domain.tld
# host2.domain.tld
# ...
# compare old and new script version:
# - old script [ real 0m0.969s | user 0m1.208s | sys 0m0.468s ]
# - awk script [ real 0m0.009s | user 0m0.008s | sys 0m0.000s ]
# $ host1.domain.tld
# host1.domain.tld => www@www.domain.tld:2212
# or with ProxyCommand (ssh other.domain.tld nc -q 1 www.domain.tld 22):
# $ host2.domain.tld
# host2.domain.tld => www@www.domain.tld:2212 via other.domain.tld:22
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
exec awk '
count = 0
/^[Hh]ost/ {
count += 1
print $2
printf "\n%d item(s)\n", count
}' $HOME/.ssh/config
for host in $@; do
awk --assign arg="$host" '
proceed = 0
hostname = arg
port = 22
user = ENVIRON["USER"]
/^[Hh]ost / {
if (arg == $2) {
proceed = 1
} else {
if (proceed == 1) {
proceed = 0
/[Hh]ostname/ {
if (proceed == 1) {
hostname = $2
/[Uu]ser/ {
if (proceed == 1) {
user = $2
/[Pp]ort/ {
if (proceed == 1) {
port = $2
/[Pp]roxy[Cc]ommand/ {
if (proceed == 1) {
phost = $3
proxy = $7":"$8
if (proxy == "") {
print arg" => "user"@"hostname":"port
} else {
print arg" => "user"@"proxy" via "phost":"port
}' $HOME/.ssh/config
exit 0
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