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Created April 3, 2017 02:44
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# Squid Proxy Installer (SPI) #
# Version: 2.0 Build 2017 #
# Branch: Stable #
# Author: Hidden Refuge (© 2014 - 2016) #
# License: MIT License #
# GitHub Repo: #
# SPI Wiki: #
# Declaring a few misc variables
vspiversion=2.0 # SPI version
vspibuild=2017 # SPI build number
vbranch=Stable # SPI build branch
vsysarch=$(getconf LONG_BIT) # System architecture
# Function for iptables rules (CentOS 5 & 6)
firew1 () {
# Opening default Squid port 3128 for clients to connect
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
# Saving firewall rules
service iptables save
# Function for iptables rules (CentOS 7, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora)
firew2 () {
# Opening default Squid port 3128 for clients to connect
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
# Saving firewall rules
# Function for RHEL 5 Linux distributions
rhel5 () {
# Downloading and installing necessary repo for newer Squid 3 versions for CentOS 5
rpm -Uvh
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, httpd for htpasswd and dependencies)
yum install perl-DBI libecap squid httpd -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwd $usrn
# Downloading necessary Squid.conf for the corresponding OS & system architecture
case $vsysarch in
32) # 32 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
64) # 64 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
service squid restart && chkconfig squid on
# Turning off httpd and removing it from services (post installation of yum enabled it but we don't need it)
service httpd stop && chkconfig httpd off
# Running function firew1
# Function for RHEL 6 Linux distributions
rhel6 () {
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, httpd-tools for htpasswd and dependencies)
yum install squid httpd-tools -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwd $usrn
# Downloading necessary Squid.conf for the corresponding OS & system architecture
case $vsysarch in
32) # 32 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
64) # 64 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
service squid restart && chkconfig squid on
# Running function firew1
# Function for RHEL 7 Linux distributions
rhel7 () {
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, httpd-tools for htpasswd and dependencies)
yum install squid httpd-tools -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwd $usrn
# Downloading Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
systemctl restart squid.service && systemctl enable squid.service
# Running function firew2
# Function for Debian "Squeeze" 6 and Debian "Wheezy" 7
deb () {
# Updating package database
apt-get update
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, apache2-utils for htpassword and dependencies)
apt-get install apache2-utils squid3 -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid3/passwd $usrn
# Downloading Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid3/squid.conf --no-check-certificate
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid3/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
service squid3 restart && update-rc.d squid3 defaults
# Running function firew2
# Function for Debian "Jessie" 8
deb8 () {
# Updating package database
apt-get update
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, apache2-utils for htpassword and dependencies)
apt-get install apache2-utils squid3 -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -b -c /etc/squid3/passwd $usrn $usrp
# Downloading Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid3/squid.conf --no-check-certificate
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid3/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
service squid3 restart && update-rc.d squid3 defaults
# Running function firew2
# Function for Ubuntu
ubt () {
# Updating package database
apt-get update
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, apache2-utils for htpassword and dependencies)
apt-get install apache2-utils squid3 -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid3/passwd $usrn
# Downloading Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid3/squid.conf --no-check-certificate
# Copying squid3.conf from init to init.d for startup script
cp /etc/init/squid3.conf /etc/init.d/squid3
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid3/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
service squid3 restart && update-rc.d squid3 defaults
# Running function firew2
# Function for Fedora
fed () {
# Installing necessary packages (Squid, httpd-tools for htpasswd and dependencies)
yum install squid httpd-tools -y
# Asking user to set a username via read and writing it into $usrn
read -e -p "Your desired username: " usrn
# Creating user with username from $usrn and asking user to set a password
htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwd $usrn
# Downloading necessary Squid.conf for the corresponding OS & system architecture
case $vsysarch in
32) # 32 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
64) # 64 bit Squid configuration
wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf --no-check-certificate;;
# Creating empty blacklist.acl file for further blacklisting entries
touch /etc/squid/blacklist.acl
# Restarting Squid and enabling its service
systemctl restart squid && systemctl enable squid
# Running function firew2
# Default function with information
dinfo () {
echo "Squid Proxy Installer $vspiversion Build $vspibuild"
echo "You are using builds from the $vbranch branch"
echo ""
echo "Usage: bash spi <option>"
echo "Example (Debian 8): bash spi -jessie"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo "-rhel5 -- RHEL 5 Linux distributions"
echo "-rhel6 -- RHEL 6 Linux distributions"
echo "-rhel7 -- RHEL 7 Linux distributions"
echo "-debian -- Debian Squeeze 6 & Wheezy 7"
echo "-jessie -- Debian Jessie 8"
echo "-ubuntu -- Ubuntu"
echo "-fedora -- Fedora"
echo ""
echo "How to add more users:"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "How to blacklist domains:"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "(C) 2014 - 2016 by Hidden Refuge"
echo "GitHub Repo:"
echo "SPI Wiki:"
# Checking $1 and running corresponding function
case $1 in
'-rhel5') # If option "-rhel5" run function rhel5
rhel5;; # RHEL 5 Linux distributions such as Red Hat 5, CentOS 5 and et cetera
'-rhel6') # If option "-rhel6" run function rhel6
rhel6;; # RHEL 6 Linux distributions such as Red Hat 6, CentOS 6 and et cetera
'-rhel7') # If option "-rhel7" run function rhel7
rhel7;; # RHEL 7 Linux distributions such as Red Hat 7, CentOS 7 and et cetera
'-debian') # If option "-debian" run fuction deb
deb;; # Debian "Squeeze" 6 and Debian "Wheezy" 7
'-jessie') # If option "-jessie" run function deb8
deb8;; # Debian "Jessie" 8
'-ubuntu') # If option "-ubuntu" run function ubt
ubt;; # Ubuntu
'-fedora') # If option "fedora" run function fed
fed;; # Fedora
*) # If option empty or non existing run function info
dinfo;; # Default, information about available options and et cetera
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