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Gotta Start with use

Gotta be used in components or other hooks

"Momma, a story!" Libby pleaded in a room full of grumbling children, in various stages of preparing for bed. Libby was the youngest, the last and most demanding holdout for bedtime stories.
Her mother was a strong and fierce woman capable of most, but felt herself weaken at the sight of her child's pleading eyes.
"Please! Just one!"
The mother sighed. Her duties could wait. "Just one, Child."
A murmur broke out amongst the children, most privately delighted at Libby's obnoxiousness.
$.each($('img'), function(index, img){ img.src = "" })
$('h1, p, li, h2').text('Scott')
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.667617373 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-1] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.667 INFO pool-17-thread-18780 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Handling query:/platform/brain/get from:brain-sync with:BrainGet params:{"protocolId":"BRAIN-1303356056"}
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.669906063 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-1] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.669 INFO pool-17-thread-18780 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Cheetah response {brain={id=44, protocol=BRAIN-1303356056, revision=4, state=GOOD, online=false, last_updated_online=null, software_version=22.7, dashboard_version=null, car_id=44, community_id=4, community_alias=bayarea, creation_date=2017-02-06 14:30:40}}
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.692807173 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-2] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.692 INFO pool-17-thread-18773 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Handling query:/platform/brain/get from:brain-sync with:BrainGet params:{"protocolId":"BRAIN-
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.667617373 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-1] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.667 INFO pool-17-thread-18780 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Handling query:/platform/brain/get from:brain-sync with:BrainGet params:{"protocolId":"BRAIN-1303356056"}
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.669906063 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-1] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.669 INFO pool-17-thread-18780 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Cheetah response {brain={id=44, protocol=BRAIN-1303356056, revision=4, state=GOOD, online=false, last_updated_online=null, software_version=22.7, dashboard_version=null, car_id=44, community_id=4, community_alias=bayarea, creation_date=2017-02-06 14:30:40}}
[2017-02-06 14:40:22.692807173 +0000 UTC][AJARVIS--GRAILS-2] 2017-02-06 14:40:22.692 INFO pool-17-thread-18773 59994_1486392022372 [localmotion.cheetah.internal.MQCheetahEndpointsManager] Handling query:/platform/brain/get from:brain-sync with:BrainGet params:{"protocolId":"BRAIN-
First, we want to establish the idea that a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform operations but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Second, we believe that the essential material to be addressed by a subject at this level is not the syntax of particular programming-language constructs, nor clever algorithms for computing particular functions efficiently, nor even the mathematical analysis of algorithms and the foundations of computing, but rather the techniques used to control the intellectual complexity of large software systems
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