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archived content of "Integration Testing Setup with RSpec and Capybara" by Paul Elliott used to be located at content taken from Internet Archive,

Integration Testing Setup with RSpec and Capybara

by Paul Elliott, May 11, 2010, content retrieved using Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

Integration testing is critical for modern web applications. It provides a chance to exercise all the features of your site in a real or mock browser and make sure that everything still work correctly with any changes made. It plays a key role in insuring the quality of your application and that your users have as bug-free an environment as possible.

Integrating it into your existing rspec setup is a breeze, too. I am a big fan of Jonas Nicklas’ Capybara (, which is a great gem that lets you mix and match web drivers over a common interface and allows you to test specific functions of your site with the appropriate platform. You can easily use it directly with RSpec to write a comprehensive integration test suite for your application.

Let’s get started by running rake. If you don’t have a passing test suite right now, then shame on you! You need to fix that before doing anything else. If you don’t have a test suite at all, then...well...thanks for reading this and hopefully you will get off to a good start when you’re done.

Once you are all green, setup the latest capybara and rspec gems. Update your Gemfile with the necessary includes.

source :gemcutter

group :test do
  gem 'capybara', '0.3.7'
  gem 'rspec-rails', '1.3.2'
  gem 'factory_girl', '1.2.4'

Run bundle install --relock. If you are updating or installing RSpec for the first time, be sure to run the generator to get your configuration up to date:

script/generate rspec

One last piece of setup, we need to update the spec_helper.rb with the settings for Capybara.

require 'capybara/rails'
require 'capybara/dsl'

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
  config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
  config.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/spec/fixtures/'
  config.include(Capybara, :type => :integration)

Just to make sure all this is working properly, go ahead and run rake again. If this doesn’t work, you need to fix whatever the problem is before moving on.

Now on to Capybara! By default it uses the rack-test driver, which is similar to webrat in that it is headless and does not run javascript. Unless you have a very javascript intensive app, the rack-test driver should handle the majority of your test cases. The really cool thing about Capybara is that you can use another driver like selenium when you need javascript and rack-test when you don’t.

Now let’s test a simple sign in process. Create a file called spec/integration/guest_signs_in_spec.rb and fill it in like so. Be sure to change the field, button, and link labels to match your actual screens.

require 'spec_helper'

context 'as a guest on the sign in page' do
  # Make sure your factory generates a valid user for your authentication system
  let(:user) { Factory(:user) }
  # Browse to the homepage and click the Sign In link
  before do
    visit root_path
    click 'Sign In'
  context 'with valid credentials' do
    # Fill in the form with the user’s credentials and submit it.
    before do
      fill_in 'Email', :with =>
      fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
      click 'Submit'
    it 'has a sign out link' do
      page.should have_xpath('//a', :text => 'Sign Out')
    it 'knows who I am' do
      page.should have_content("Welcome, #{}!")
  context 'with invalid credentials' do
    # No form entry should produce an error
    before do
      click 'Submit'
    it 'has errors' do
      page.should have_xpath("//div[@id='errorExplanation']")

That is a trivial example and you would typically want to make more numerous and comprehensive asserts than that, but it should get you going with your first test.

Now that you have a modern integration test setup, I expect to see the quality of your app improve dramatically! Happy TDD’ing!

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