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CoffeeScript Base Classes for AngularJS
module.exports = class BaseCtrl
@register: (module, name) ->
name ?= @name || @toString().match(/function\s*(.*?)\(/)?[1]
module.controller name, @
@inject: (annotations...) ->
ANNOTATION_REG = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+(\w+))?$/
@annotations = (annotation) ->
match = annotation.match(ANNOTATION_REG)
name: match[1], identifier: match[3] or match[1]
@$inject = (annotation) ->
constructor: (dependencies...) ->
if dependencies.length
for annotation, index in @constructor.annotations
@[annotation.identifier] = dependencies[index]
module.exports = class BaseService
@register: (module, name) ->
name ?= @name || @toString().match(/function\s*(.*?)\(/)?[1]
module.service name, @
# inject the list of dependencies
@inject: (annotations...) ->
ANNOTATION_REG = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+(\w+))?$/
# annotations.unshift '$scope' if not '$scope' in args
@annotations = (annotation) ->
match = annotation.match(ANNOTATION_REG)
name: match[1], identifier: match[3] or match[1]
@$inject = (annotation) ->
constructor: (dependencies...) ->
if dependencies.length
for annotation, index in @constructor.annotations
@[annotation.identifier] = dependencies[index]
class ExampleController extends BaseCtrl
@inject "$http", "$q"
initialize: ->
console.log "Example Controller Ready"
ExampleService : AngularService
class Exampleervice extends BaseService
@register 'ExampleService'
initialize: ->
console.log "Example Service Ready"
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