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Created September 25, 2020 10:36
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GitHub - OnlyForBeginners
#GitHub - StepbyStep
1 - Creating acc on website GitHub
2 - Downloading Git from Git website
3 - Creating a folder to make it as a repository
4 - On terminal get into to that folder (I named it GitRepos)
5 - Once inside of the folder type the command git init.
6 - After that type the command git init (it initialise a sync process).
7 - As a test I put this file inside of that folder and again typed git status.
8- It will show you a message that there is a file untracked (it means not committed yet)
9 - type now the follow command git add [filename].[filetype] press enter and that’s it!
10 - I didnt commit yet but almost there…
11 - type git status again to check if you were all that files to be committed (it will appear in green)
12 - If yes just tap git commit
Creating new branch
Branch is a kind of subFolder I can put some files on it, and after that I can merge it to
my master folder(branch)
1 - typing git branch <nameOfBranch> On terminal, and it makes a new branch
1.1 - If I type only git branch it shows me how branches I do have available.
2 - typing git status On terminal it will return which branch you are.
3 - typing git checkout <nameOfBranch> On terminal, it makes you switch location to the named branch
4 - typing git checkout -b <nameOfBranch> On terminal it creates a new branch and switch to it.
Checking out - I am in betterExamples Branch, If I changed the branch which I am in using the terminal, I won’t see that message. Because that file is not updated as this one here.
Now this current file is updated on Master and betterExamples branch thats happened because I merged those
Merging branch
1- Make sure theres no file untracked or to commit
2 - get inside of brunch you want to be merged
3 - typing git merge <nameOfBranchToBeMerged>
After that all files and updates that we have made in that branch will pop up in master branch (in case I did step3 on master branch)
Managing branch
1 - if I have some branch to merge, I can type the command git branch —-merged or
git branch —-no-merge and check if there is any branch to merge
2 - if I am done with the branches I can delete em, using git branch -d <nameofThebranch>
D (force delete, instead of d)
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