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Last active September 14, 2023 18:45
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A basic tictactoe game
from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional
import readchar
from readchar.key import UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, ENTER
Small TicTacToe game.
How to run:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install readchar
And you can use arrow keys / ENTER to select your moves.
Possible improvements:
* Add a non-human player, with some kind of optimal strategy
* Add some tests
* Refactoring: separate the screen display from the game logic
# --- Utils ---
class ANSI:
"""Small utility class to format text in a terminal, using ANSI
escape sequences
def underline(txt: str) -> str:
return f'\033[4m{txt}\033[24m'
def erase_screen() -> str:
return '\033[2J'
# --- Grid ---
class CellType(Enum):
empty = " "
x = "x"
o = "o"
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def _grid_to_str(grid: list[list]) -> str:
rows = []
for i in range(Grid.SIZE):
rows.append("|".join(f" {grid[i][j]} " for j in range(Grid.SIZE)))
if i < Grid.SIZE - 1:
rows.append("+".join("---" for _ in range(Grid.SIZE)))
return "\n".join(rows)
class Grid:
SIZE = 3
def __init__(self):
self.grid = [
[CellType.empty for _ in range(self.SIZE)] for _ in range(self.SIZE)
def play(self, move: CellType, coord: tuple[int, int]):
Register a new move on the grid. Note that the move must be valid
(i.e. the target cell must be empty).
i, j = coord
if not self.is_cell_empty(coord):
raise ValueError(
f"Move on coordinate {coord} not allowed "
f'(already filled with: "{self.grid[i][j]})"'
self.grid[i][j] = move
def is_cell_empty(self, coord: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
Check if a cell is empty and can be played
True if the cell is empty, else False
i, j = coord
if not (0 <= i < self.SIZE and 0 <= j < self.SIZE):
raise ValueError(f"Coordinates {i, j} out of the grid")
return self.grid[i][j] == CellType.empty
def is_full(self) -> bool:
True if the grid is full and no-one can play anymore
num_empty = sum(
self.is_cell_empty(coord) for coord in product(range(self.SIZE), repeat=2)
if num_empty > 0:
return False
return True
def get_winner(self) -> Optional[CellType]:
The CellType of the winner if a player has won, else None
# All the index sequences corresponding to winning situations
seqs = (
# all columns
*(tuple((i, j) for i in range(self.SIZE)) for j in range(self.SIZE)),
# all rows
*(tuple((i, j) for j in range(self.SIZE)) for i in range(self.SIZE)),
# top-left to bottom-right diagonal
tuple((i, i) for i in range(self.SIZE)),
# bottom-left to top-right diagonal
tuple((self.SIZE - (i + 1), i) for i in range(self.SIZE)),
for seq in seqs:
if all(self.grid[i][j] == CellType.x for i, j in seq):
return CellType.x
if all(self.grid[i][j] == CellType.o for i, j in seq):
return CellType.o
return None
def display(self, title: str = '', cursor: Optional[tuple[int, int]] = None):
grid = [[str(x) for x in row] for row in self.grid]
if cursor:
i, j = cursor
grid[i][j] = ANSI.underline(grid[i][j])
# --- Player ---
class Player(ABC):
def get_move_coord(self, grid: Grid) -> tuple[int, int]:
Ask the player which move they want to play.
grid: the current grid
The coordinates they chose to play on the grid
def _update_cursor(cursor: tuple[int, int], move: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Try to move the cursor inside the grid. The move is applied only if it is
valid (i.e. the cursor stays inside the grid)
The new cursor position
new_cursor = cursor[0] + move[0], cursor[1] + move[1]
if all(0 <= i < Grid.SIZE for i in new_cursor):
return new_cursor
return cursor
class HumanPlayer(Player):
def __init__(self, player_name: str): = player_name
def get_move_coord(self, grid: Grid) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Let the player choose a valid coordinate on the grid.
To move the cursor: arrow keys
To choose an (empty) coordinate: ENTER
# (0, 0) is top left
# (2, 2) is bottom right
_moves = {
UP: (-1, 0),
DOWN: (1, 0),
LEFT: (0, -1),
RIGHT: (0, 1),
cursor = (1, 1) # starting in the middle of the grid
grid.display(title=f'Player turn: {}', cursor=cursor)
while True:
key = readchar.readkey()
if key in (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT):
# Get a new cursor position and update grid
cursor = _update_cursor(cursor, _moves[key])
grid.display(title=f'Player turn: {}', cursor=cursor)
if key == ENTER and grid.is_cell_empty(cursor):
return cursor
# --- Game ---
class Game:
def __init__(self):
print("Game starting...\n")
first_name = input("Please enter 1st player name: ")
second_name = input("Please enter 2nd player name: ")
self.players = (
(CellType.x, HumanPlayer(first_name)),
(CellType.o, HumanPlayer(second_name)),
self.grid = Grid()
def play(self):
"""Run the game loop"""
i = 0
over = False
while not over:
move, player = self.players[i % 2]
coord = player.get_move_coord(self.grid), coord)
over = self.check_game_status()
i += 1
def check_game_status(self) -> bool:
True if the game is now over, False otherwise
if (cell_type := self.grid.get_winner()) is not None:
winner = next(p for ct, p in self.players if ct == cell_type)
print(f"player {} won!")
return True
if self.grid.is_full():
print("grid is full, that's a draw")
return True
return False
def main():
game = Game()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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