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Created April 5, 2021 13:45
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import { SimpleEndCustomer, TrackerLogs } from 'redux/types';
import moment from 'moment';
import { colorUsage } from 'stylesheet';
import { InjectedIntl } from 'react-intl';
interface DataItem {
y: number;
x?: any;
z?: any;
label?: string;
color: string;
lineColor: string;
lineDashType?: string;
interface Result {
name: string;
type: string;
xValueType?: string;
showInLegend: boolean;
dataPoints: DataItem[];
color?: string;
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
export const renderCanvasChart = (
dataLogs: TrackerLogs[],
dataType: string,
endCustomer: SimpleEndCustomer | null,
darkMode: boolean,
intl: InjectedIntl,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
) => {
const isTemperature = dataType === 'temperature';
const thresholdMax: number = isTemperature
? endCustomer
? endCustomer.high_temperature_threshold_setting
: 30
: endCustomer
? endCustomer.humidity_threshold
: 30;
const thresholdMin: number = isTemperature
? endCustomer
? endCustomer.low_temperature_threshold_setting
: -5
: -5;
const result: Result[] = [
name: intl.formatMessage({
id: isTemperature ? 'tracking.logs.temperatureMin' : 'tracking.logs.humidityMin',
type: 'spline',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: true,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartBlue,
name: intl.formatMessage({
id: isTemperature ? 'tracking.logs.temperatureAverage' : 'tracking.logs.humidityAverage',
type: 'spline',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: true,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
name: intl.formatMessage({
id: isTemperature ? 'tracking.logs.temperatureMax' : 'tracking.logs.humidityMax',
type: 'spline',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: true,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartRedBackground,
name: 'min',
type: 'spline',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: isTemperature,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartDarkBlue,
name: 'max',
type: 'spline',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: true,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartRed,
]; => {
const minValue = isTemperature ? data.temperature_min : data.humidity_min;
const maxValue = isTemperature ? data.temperature_max : data.humidity_max;
const avgValue = isTemperature ? data.temperature_avg : data.humidity_avg;
if (
(minValue || minValue === 0) &&
(maxValue || maxValue === 0) &&
(avgValue || avgValue === 0)
) {
const dateTime = moment(data.timestamp).format('DD/MM - HH:mm');
const minValueData = {
x: moment(data.timestamp).format('x'),
y: minValue,
label: dateTime,
minValue < thresholdMin
? colorUsage.chartDarkBlue
: minValue > thresholdMax
? colorUsage.chartRed
: colorUsage.chartBlue,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartBlue,
const averageValueData = {
x: moment(data.timestamp).format('x'),
y: avgValue,
label: dateTime,
avgValue < thresholdMin
? colorUsage.chartDarkBlue
: avgValue > thresholdMax
? colorUsage.chartRed
: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
const maxValueData = {
x: moment(data.timestamp).format('x'),
y: maxValue,
label: dateTime,
maxValue < thresholdMin
? colorUsage.chartDarkBlue
: maxValue > thresholdMax
? colorUsage.chartRed
: colorUsage.chartRedBackground,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartRedBackground,
const minData = {
x: moment(data.timestamp).format('x'),
y: thresholdMin,
label: dateTime,
color: 'transparent',
lineColor: colorUsage.chartDarkBlue,
lineDashType: 'dash',
const maxData = {
x: moment(data.timestamp).format('x'),
y: thresholdMax,
label: dateTime,
color: 'transparent',
lineColor: colorUsage.chartRed,
lineDashType: 'dash',
return null;
let labelMax = Math.max(...result[3] => i.y));
if (isTemperature) {
labelMax += 5;
const labelMin = Math.min(...result[0] => i.y)) - 5;
return {
animationEnabled: true,
theme: darkMode ? 'dark1' : 'light1',
zoomEnabled: true,
height: window.innerHeight / 3.5,
axisX: {
minimum: moment(dataLogs[0].timestamp).format('x'),
maximum: moment(dataLogs[dataLogs.length - 1].timestamp).format('x'),
axisY: {
title: dataType,
tickLength: 0,
interval: 10,
minimum: labelMin,
maximum: labelMax,
legend: {
horizontalAlign: 'left',
verticalAlign: 'top',
toolTip: {
shared: true,
borderColor: 'rgba(126, 178, 121, 1)',
borderThickness: 2,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
contentFormatter: function(e: any) {
let content = `<h3 class="center">${e.entries[0].dataPoint.label}</h3><br/>`;
content += `<span class='legend' style='background-color: ${
}'></span><span>${e.entries[2]} : ${Math.round(
e.entries[2].dataPoint.y * 100,
) / 100}${isTemperature ? '°C' : ''}</span><br />`;
content += `<span class='legend' style='background-color: ${
}'></span><span>${e.entries[1]} : ${Math.round(
e.entries[1].dataPoint.y * 100,
) / 100}${isTemperature ? '°C' : ''}</span><br />`;
content += `<span class='legend' style='background-color: ${
}'></span><span>${e.entries[0]} : ${Math.round(
e.entries[0].dataPoint.y * 100,
) / 100}${isTemperature ? '°C' : ''}</span><br />`;
return content;
data: result,
export const renderShockCanvasChart = (
dataLogs: TrackerLogs[],
endCustomer: SimpleEndCustomer | null,
darkMode: boolean,
intl: InjectedIntl,
) => {
const result: Result[] = [
name: intl.formatMessage({
id: 'tracking.logs.shocks',
type: 'column',
xValueType: 'dateTime',
showInLegend: true,
dataPoints: [],
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
let shockArray: DataItem[] = [];, index) => {
const dateTime = moment(item.timestamp).format('DD/MM - HH:mm');
if (index === 0 || (index === dataLogs.length - 1 && !item.shock_intensity)) {
const shockData: DataItem = {
x: moment(item.timestamp).format('x'),
y: 0,
label: dateTime,
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
} else if (item.shock_intensity) {
const shockData: DataItem = {
x: moment(item.timestamp).format('x'),
y: item.shock_intensity,
label: dateTime,
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
return null;
let shockDataItem: DataItem = {
x: '',
y: 0,
z: [],
label: '',
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
};, index) => {
if (index !== 0) {
let thisTime = moment(item.x, 'x').format('L');
let prevTime = moment(shockArray[index - 1].x, 'x').format('L');
if (thisTime === prevTime) {
shockDataItem = {
x: item.x,
y: shockDataItem.y + 1,
z: [...shockDataItem.z, { intensity: item.y, date: moment(item.x, 'x').format('HH:mm') }],
label: moment(item.x, 'x').format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
} else {
if (shockDataItem.y === 0) {
shockDataItem = {
x: item.x,
y: 1,
z: [{ intensity: item.y, date: moment(item.x, 'x').format('HH:mm') }],
label: moment(item.x, 'x').format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
} else {
shockDataItem = {
x: item.x,
y: 1,
z: [{ intensity: item.y, date: moment(item.x, 'x').format('HH:mm') }],
label: moment(item.x, 'x').format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
color: colorUsage.chartGreen,
lineColor: colorUsage.chartGreen,
return null;
return {
animationEnabled: true,
theme: darkMode ? 'dark1' : 'light1',
zoomEnabled: true,
height: window.innerHeight / 3.5,
axisX: {
minimum: moment(dataLogs[0].timestamp).format('x'),
maximum: moment(dataLogs[dataLogs.length - 1].timestamp).format('x'),
axisY: {
title: intl.formatMessage({
id: 'tracking.logs.shocksNumber',
tickLength: 0,
interval: 1,
minimum: 0,
legend: {
horizontalAlign: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'top',
toolTip: {
shared: true,
borderColor: 'rgba(126, 178, 121, 1)',
borderThickness: 2,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
contentFormatter: function(e: any) {
let content = `<h3 class="center">${e.entries[0].dataPoint.label} - ${
} ${intl.formatMessage({
id: 'tracking.logs.shock',
})}${e.entries[0].dataPoint.y > 1 ? 's' : ''}</h3><br/>`;
e.entries[0] any) => {
return (content += `<span class='legend' style='background-color: ${
}'></span><span>${} - ${intl.formatMessage({
id: 'tracking.logs.intensity',
})} : ${Math.round(item.intensity * 100) / 100}</span><br/>`);
return content;
data: result,
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