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Last active June 8, 2020 18:03
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A script to parse lawtechie's post history and show, for each story that is linked to in another story, which stories link to it. Used for collecting multiple parts together. Does not show story singletons. More parsing work to do in the future
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from requests import get
from json import load,dump,dumps
from collections import defaultdict
from markdown import markdown
from lxml import etree
from time import sleep
html = False
url = ""
query = {"q": "subreddit:talesfromtechsupport author:lawtechie", "sort": "new", "limit": "1000"}
def get_results():
with open("lawtechie-search-20200609.json") as f:
return load(f)
print("getting results")
data = get(url, params=query, headers={"User-Agent": "/u/lawtechie story directory by /u/suudo"}).json()["data"]
results = data["children"]
print("added {} results".format(data["dist"]))
while data["after"] is not None:
query["after"] = data["after"]
print("getting after: {}".format(data["after"]))
data = get(url, params=query, headers={"User-Agent": "/u/lawtechie story directory by /u/suudo"}).json()["data"]
results += data["children"]
print("added {} results".format(data["dist"]))
with open("lawtechie-search-20200609.json", "w") as f:
return results
def l(i, alt=None):
global html
if html:
return "<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(i, alt or i)
return "" + i
def parse_url(url):
if "" in url:
return url.split("/comments/",1)[1].split("/",1)[0]
elif "" in url:
return url.split("",1)[1][:6]
def main(html_param=False):
global html
html = html_param
results = get_results()
stories = {story["data"]["id"]: story["data"] for story in results}
story_links = defaultdict(list)
for story in results:
story = story["data"]
mkdn = "<body>" + markdown(story["selftext"]) + "</body>"
doc = etree.fromstring(mkdn)
for link in doc.xpath("//a"):
dest_id = parse_url(link.get("href"))
if not dest_id:
dest_title = stories.get(dest_id, {}).get("title", "UNKNOWN")
story_links[l(dest_id, alt=dest_title)].append(l(story["id"], alt=story["title"]))
for s,links in story_links.items():
if html:
print("<dt>\n {}\n</dt><dd><ul>\n{}\n</ul></dd>".format(s, "\n".join(" <li>{}</li>".format(link) for link in links)), end="")
print("{}\n {}".format(s, "\n ".join(links)))
if html:
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import exit, argv
exit(main(html_param="--html" in argv))
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