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Created March 27, 2013 15:50
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  • Save alyssafrazee/5255296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alyssafrazee/5255296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code was written to solve a genomics problem. Some background: the genome is basically a very long character string consisting the characters A, C, T, and G. In genomic studies, the data usually consists of short "sequencing reads" (~100 character substrings of the genome), which we map back to their place of origin in the genome (the origi…
### readlet counting script
### helper functions:
def enum(collection,st):
#just like "enumerate" but you define your own starting position.
#this returns indices RELATIVE TO ORIGINAL LIST
i = st
while i < len(collection):
yield (i,collection[i])
i += 1
def getfirstindex(L,st,value,K):
for pos,t in enum(L,st):
if t[1] > value-K:
return pos #returns first read in the list that CAN contain given bp
return 0
def getlastindex(L,st,value):
for pos,t in enum(L,st):
if t[1] > value:
return pos #returns first read in the list that CANNOT contain given bp
return len(L)
# previous 2 helper functions were inspired by code here: (see answer labeled "10", superperformant)
### the main function:
def countReadlets(fname,outfname,k,chromosome):
import pysam
samfile = pysam.Samfile(fname,"rb") # parse the .bam (sequence alignment) file
id_start_end = []
maxpos = 0
minpos = 3000000000
for read in samfile.fetch(chromosome):
id_start_end.append([read.qname, read.pos+1, read.aend]) #id_start_end will be a list of readlet alignments, containing read ID (readlets coming from same read have same ID), alignment start position, and alignment end position
if read.aend > maxpos:
maxpos = read.aend
if read.pos+1 < minpos:
minpos = read.pos+1
f = open(outfname, 'w')
first = 0
last = 0
for z in xrange(1,minpos):
f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (z,0))
for i in xrange(minpos, maxpos+1):
last = getlastindex(id_start_end,first,i)
first = getfirstindex(id_start_end,first,i,k) #k = 25 for 25-character readlets
if first == last:
f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (i,0))
overlaps = id_start_end[first:last]
readnames = set()
for j in xrange(len(overlaps)):
numreads = len(readnames) #count readlets only once per read
f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (i,numreads))
return None
### get arguments from command line
### use: python --file myfile.bam --output outfile.txt --kmer 100 --chrom 22
from optparse import OptionParser
opts = OptionParser()
opts.add_option("--file","-f",type="string",help="input file name (must be .bam, and must be indexed with samtools first)")
opts.add_option("--output","-o",type="string",help="output file name")
opts.add_option("--kmer","-k",type="int",help="kmer length")
opts.add_option("--chrom","-c",type="string",help="chromosome to parse")
options,arguments = opts.parse_args()
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