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Created May 22, 2015 20:56
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SVG icon three ways
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var aSvg= Snap('#js'),
r1 ='#r1'),
r2 ='#r2'),
r3 ='#r3'),
r4 ='#r4');
var vals1 =[20,45,57,80,64,32,66,45,64,23,66,13,64,56,34,34,2,23,76,79,20],
vals2 = [80,55,33,5,75,23,73,33,12,14,60,80],
vals3 =[50,34,78,23,56,23,34,76,80,54,21,50],
vals4 = [30,45,13,80,56,72,45,76,34,23,67,30];
var count =0,
count2 =0;
var fr = 140;
setInterval(loop, fr);
function loop() {
r1.animate({'height': vals1[count2]},fr, mina.linear);
r2.animate({'height': vals2[count]}, fr, mina.linear);
r3.animate({'height': vals3[count]}, fr, mina.linear);
r4.animate({'height': vals4[count]}, fr, mina.linear);
if (count >= vals2.length) {
count =0;
if (count2 >=vals1.length) {
count2 =0;
body {
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div {
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#transforms rect:nth-of-type(1) {
animation: pulse01 4.5s linear infinite;
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animation: pulse02 2s linear infinite;
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animation: pulse02 3s linear infinite;
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animation: pulse02 4s linear infinite;
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#{$i*100%/length($vals1)} {
transform: scaleY(nth($vals1, $i)/nth($vals1, 1));
$vals2: 80,55,33,5,75,23,73,33,12,14,60,80;
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@for $i from 1 through length($vals2) {
#{$i*100%/length($vals2)} {
transform: scaleY(nth($vals2, $i)/nth($vals2, 1));
$vals3: 50,34,78,23,56,23,34,76,80,54,21,50;
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#{$i*100%/length($vals3)} {
transform: scaleY(nth($vals3, $i)/nth($vals3, 1));
$vals4: 30,45,13,80,56,72,45,76,34,23,67,30;
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@for $i from 1 through length($vals4) {
#{$i*100%/length($vals4)} {
transform: scaleY(nth($vals4, $i)/nth($vals4, 1));
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