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Created September 23, 2019 20:55
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button swift
Button(action: {
// Perform the SignUpUser mutation, passing the parameters we just got from our TextFields
apollo.perform(mutation: SignUpUserMutation(username: self.username, password: self.password, email:{ result in
// Let's switch the result so we can separate a successful one from an error
switch result {
// In case of success
case .success(let graphQLResult):
// We try to parse our result
if let objId = {
myMessage.alertTitle = "Yay!"
myMessage.alertText = "User signed up!"
self.showingAlert = true
print ("User created with ObjectId: " + objId)
// but in case of any GraphQL errors we present that message
else if let errors = graphQLResult.errors {
// GraphQL errors
myMessage.alertTitle = "Oops!"
myMessage.alertText = "We've got a GraphQL error: " + errors.description
self.showingAlert = true
// In case of failure, we present that message
case .failure(let error):
// Network or response format errors
myMessage.alertTitle = "Oops!"
myMessage.alertText = "We've got an error: " + error.localizedDescription
self.showingAlert = true
Text("Sign Up!")
.frame(width: 220, height: 60)
.alert(isPresented: $showingAlert) {
Alert(title: Text(myMessage.alertTitle), message: Text(myMessage.alertText), dismissButton: .default(Text("OK")))
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