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Created March 10, 2020 23:03
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  • Save alystair/ccd628620f21ba66b01b0c90d43524ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Avoid submitting a form and focus next available input in a form on enter key
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(){
if (event.keyCode === 13 && !== 'TEXTAREA') {
let form ='form');
if (form) {
let startingNode = ||; // will break if final?
let foundStart = false;
function onlyInputs(node) {
if (!foundStart && node !== startingNode) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
else foundStart = true;
if (node.offsetHeight === 0 && node.offsetWidth === 0) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
// node.querySelector('input, textarea, select');
let found = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].includes(node.nodeName) && node.type !== 'hidden';
return found ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
let nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(form, 1, onlyInputs);
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