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Last active January 29, 2018 20:50
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Verilog 8 bit ALU
module ALU(A, B, OP, Z, OV);
input signed [7:0] A, B;
input [2:0] OP;
output signed [7:0] Z;
output OV;
reg ov;
reg [7:0] z;
always@(A or B or OP)
ov = 0;
0: begin
z = A+B;
ov = (A[7] && B[7] && ~z[7]) || (~A[7] && ~B[7] && z[7]);
1: begin
z = A-B;
ov = (A[7] && ~B[7] && ~z[7]) || (~A[7] && B[7] && z[7]);
2: z = (A>B) ? A : B;
3: z = (A<B) ? A : B;
4: z = A <<< 2;
5: z = B >>> 3;
assign OV = ov;
assign Z = z;
module ALU_test();
reg signed [7:0] a, b;
reg [2:0] op;
wire signed [7:0] z;
wire ov;
// non overflow sum
a = 2;
b = 3;
op = 0;
// overflow sum type 1
a = 64;
b = 64;
op = 0;
// overflow sum type 2
a = -60;
b = -75;
op = 0;
// non overflow subtract
a = 7;
b = 3;
op = 1;
// overflow subtract type 1
a = -100;
b = 50;
op = 1;
// overflow subtract type 2
a = 100;
b = -50;
op = 1;
// max
a = 12;
b = 28;
op = 2;
// max
a = 15;
b = -28;
op = 2;
// min
a = 64;
b = 95;
op = 3;
// min
a = 100;
b = -1;
op = 3;
// right shift
a = 10;
b = 0;
op = 4;
// right shift
a = -5;
b = 0;
op = 4;
// left shift
a = 0;
b = 4;
op = 5;
// left shift
a = 0;
b = -8;
op = 5;
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am-shb commented Jan 29, 2018

8 bit ALU written in Verilog which calculates the sum, subtract, min, max, left & right shift of the given numbers.
with an exclusive output bit to determine if overflow has occurred.
The test bench is also provided which tests the device under different circumstances.

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