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require Record
defmodule RssParserTest do
Record.defrecordp :xmlElement, Record.extract(:xmlElement, from_lib: "xmerl/include/xmerl.hrl")
Record.defrecordp :xmlText, Record.extract(:xmlText, from_lib: "xmerl/include/xmerl.hrl")
Record.defrecordp :xmlAttribute, Record.extract(:xmlAttribute, from_lib: "xmerl/include/xmerl.hrl")
use ExUnit.Case
def sample_atom_xml do
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title>Example Feed</title>
<subtitle>A subtitle.</subtitle>
<link href="" rel="self" />
<link href="" />
<title>Item 1</title>
<link href="" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
<link rel="edit" href=""/>
<summary>Some text.</summary>
<content type="xhtml">
<div xmlns="">
<p>This is the entry content.</p>
<name>John Doe</name>
<title>Item 2</title>
<link href="" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
<link rel="edit" href=""/>
<summary>Some text.</summary>
<content type="xhtml">
<div xmlns="">
<p>This is the entry content.</p>
<name>John Doe</name>
def sample_rss_xml do
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Rss Feed Example</title>
<description>Example description for an RSS feed</description>
<title>Item 1</title>
<description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>
<title>Item 2</title>
<description>New XML tutorial on W3Schools</description>
def sample_xml do
<title>Example Title</title>
<description>Custom Description</description>
<pubDate>Wed, 11 Jun 2014 18:00:41 +0200</pubDate>
<generator>PHP RSSGen 1.0.0 -</generator>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 27 May 2014 15:07:03 +0200</lastBuildDate>
<title>Item 1</title>
<description>Test 1</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:36:52 +0100</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<title>Item 2</title>
<description>Test 2</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:36:52 +0100</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
# Rss tests
test "parsing the title out of a rss feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
[title_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/title', xml)
[title_text] = title_element.content
title = title_text.value
assert title == 'Rss Feed Example'
test "parsing the description out of a rss feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
[description_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/description',xml)
[description_text] = description_element.content
description = description_text.value
assert description == 'Example description for an RSS feed'
test "parsing the title out of the items in the feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/title/text()', xml)
item_titles = items |> -> x.value end)
assert item_titles == ['Item 1', 'Item 2']
test "parsing the description out of the items in the feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/description/text()', xml)
item_descriptions = items |> -> x.value end)
assert item_descriptions == ['New RSS tutorial on W3Schools', 'New XML tutorial on W3Schools']
test "parsing the categories out of the items in the feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/category/text()', xml)
item_categories = items |> -> x.value end)
assert item_categories == ['Test 1', 'Test 2']
test "parsing the title out of the items information in the feed" do
{xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_rss_xml))
items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item', xml)
item_list = items |> ->
[title_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/item/title', x)
[title_text] = title_element.content
[link_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/item/link', x)
[link_text] = link_element.content
[description_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/item/description', x)
[description_text] = description_element.content
value = xmlText(description_element.content, :value)
{title_text.value, description_text.value, link_text.value}
assert item_list == [
{'Item 1', 'New RSS tutorial on W3Schools', ''},
{'Item 2', 'New XML tutorial on W3Schools', ''}
# Test concepts
#test "parsing the title out of the feed" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# [title_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/title', xml)
# [title_text] = title_element.content
# title = title_text.value
# assert title == 'Example Title'
#test "parsing the description out of the feed" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# [description_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/description',xml)
# [description_text] = description_element.content
# description = description_text.value
# assert description == 'Custom Description'
#test "parsing the title out of the items in the feed (alternate)" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item', xml)
# item_titles = items |> ->
# [title_element] = :xmerl_xpath.string('/item/title', x)
# [title_text] = title_element.content
# title_text.value
# end)
# assert item_titles == ['Item 1', 'Item 2']
#test "parsing the title out of the items in the feed" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/title/text()', xml)
# item_titles = items |> -> x.value end)
# assert item_titles == ['Item 1', 'Item 2']
#test "parsing the description out of the items in the feed" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/description/text()', xml)
# item_descriptions = items |> -> x.value end)
# assert item_descriptions = ['Test 1', 'Test 2']
#test "parsing the categories out of the items in the feed" do
# {xml, _rest} = :xmerl_scan.string(bitstring_to_list(sample_xml))
# items = :xmerl_xpath.string('/rss/channel/item/category/text()', xml)
# item_categories = items |> -> x.value end)
# assert item_categories = ['1', 'Test 2']
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