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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Easy SVN commits
# Created by: syphoxy
SVN_COMMIT_FILES="$(mktemp /tmp/svn-commit-files.XXXXX)"
svn status \
| awk '{ $1 = ""; print $0 }' \
| sed -Ee 's/^[ ]+//; s/[ ]+$//' > "$SVN_COMMIT_FILES" \
&& [ -f "$SVN_COMMIT_FILES" ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < "$SVN_COMMIT_FILES")" -ge 1 ] \
&& vim "$SVN_COMMIT_FILES" \
&& svn commit --targets "$SVN_COMMIT_FILES"
echo -n "Cleaning up files .. "
echo "done."
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