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Created August 22, 2016 09:13
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An extremely simple plugin for exporting data from gradle script into properties file.
* Created by amak on 8/19/16.
* An extremely simple plugin for exporting data from gradle script into properties file.
* It's very useful for CI systems: turn your gradle script variables into environment variables.
* Plugin adds an extension exportExt for variables you want to export:
* exportExt {
* prop "version", myProjectVersion
* prop "projectName", "myProjectName"
* prop "NoDeploy", true
* }
* Data is exported by calling exportProps task. Default filename is "build/" in your root project
* You can specify different filename with command line argument -PexportFile="path/to/your/file"
* Example bash script:
* #!/bin/bash
* PROPS_FILE = "path/to/your/file"
* ./gradlew exportProps -PexportFile=$PROPS_FILE #Exporting properties
* source $PROPS_FILE #importing variables
* mkdir /my/deploy/path/$version
* #End of bash script
class ExportDataPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project target) {
target.extensions.create(ExportExtension.NAME, ExportExtension)
target.tasks.create(ExportPropsTask.NAME, ExportPropsTask)
class ExportExtension {
static String NAME = "exportExt"
Properties props = new Properties()
def prop(String key, String value) {
this.props.setProperty(key, value)
class ExportPropsTask extends DefaultTask {
static NAME = "exportProps"
ExportExtension extension
ExportPropsTask() {
project.afterEvaluate {
extension = project.extensions."${ExportExtension.NAME}"
void exec() {
File file = project.hasProperty('exportFile') ? new File(project.exportFile) : new File(project.rootProject.buildDir, "")
println "Creating file ${file.absolutePath} with project info..."
def writer = new FileWriter(file), "Build info")
apply plugin:ExportDataPlugin
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