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Last active February 13, 2017 23:21
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(ns anthology.xhtml
"XML/HTML emitter"
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn- yoke [& xs] (apply str (flatten xs)))
(def escape-characters
{\" """
\' "'"
\& "&"
\< "&lt;"
\> "&gt;"})
(defn- parse-element
[mode element attributes]
(let [element (name element) selectors {"." "class" "#" "id"}]
(if (= mode :xml)
[element attributes]
[(re-find #"[^\.#]+" element)
(reduce (fn [m [_ k v]] (let [attr (selectors k)] (update m attr str (if (contains? m attr) \space) v)))
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(name k) v]) attributes))
(re-seq #"([#\.])(\w+)" element))])))
(def void-elements
"Set of void elements, as defined in HTML5 spec"
#{"area" "base" "br" "col" "embed" "hr" "img" "input"
"keygen" "link" "meta" "param" "source" "track" "wbr"})
(def declarations
{:html "<!doctype html>" :xml "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>"})
(defn write-string
"Emit HTML/XML document with the supplied contents. Supported options:
:declaration - XML/HTML declaration (doctype), default depends on :mode
:mode - Emit mode, can be either :html or :xml"
([x] (write-string {} x))
([{:keys [declaration mode depth] :or {mode :html depth 0} :as options} x]
(let [{:keys [declaration] :as options}
{:declaration (if (some #{:declaration} (keys options)) declaration (declarations mode))
:mode (if (contains? (set (keys declarations)) mode) mode (throw (ex-info "Unsupported mode option" {:key :mode :value mode})))
:depth depth}]
(cond (sequential? x)
(let [[parent attributes & children] x
[parent attributes children]
(if (map? attributes)
[parent attributes children]
(let [[parent & children] x] [parent {} children]))
[parent attributes]
(parse-element mode parent attributes)]
(yoke (if (= depth 0) declaration) \< parent (if-not (empty? attributes) \space)
(str/join \space (map (fn [[k v]] (str k \= \" (str/escape v escape-characters) \")) attributes))
(if (or (and (= mode :html) (contains? void-elements parent))
(and (= mode :xml) (empty? children))) "/>"
[\> (map (partial write-string (update options :depth inc)) children) "</" parent \>])))
(string? x) (str/escape x escape-characters)
(some? x) (throw (ex-info "Unsupported data type" {:options options :type (type x) :value x}))))))
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