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Created July 4, 2015 14:29
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Shell Script to get the consolidated details of a linux system
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author Amal G Jose
# This script provides the consolidated details of a linux operaing system
# clear the screen
# Unset Variables
unset sys_date tempvar os architecture kernelrelease internalip externalip nameserver loadaverage sysuptime
# Define Variable tempvar
tempvar=$(tput sgr0)
#Check System date
echo -e '\E[33m'"System Date :" $tempvar `date`
# Check whether the system is connected to Internet or not
ping -c 1 &> /dev/null && echo -e '\E[33m'"Internet: $tempvar Connected" || echo -e '\E[33m'"Internet: $tempvar Disconnected"
# Check OS Type
os=$(uname -o)
echo -e '\E[33m'"Operating System Type :" $tempvar $os
# Check OS Release Version and Name
cat /etc/*-release | grep 'NAME\|VERSION' | grep -v 'VERSION_ID' | grep -v 'PRETTY_NAME' > /tmp/osrelease
echo -n -e '\E[33m'"OS Name :" $tempvar && cat /tmp/osrelease | grep -v "VERSION" | cut -f2 -d\"
echo -n -e '\E[33m'"OS Version :" $tempvar && cat /tmp/osrelease | grep -v "NAME" | cut -f2 -d\"
# Check System Architecture
architecture=$(uname -m)
echo -e '\E[33m'"Architecture :" $tempvar $architecture
# Check Kernel Release
kernelrelease=$(uname -r)
echo -e '\E[33m'"Kernel Release :" $tempvar $kernelrelease
# Check hostname
echo -e '\E[33m'"Hostname :" $tempvar $HOSTNAME
# Check Internal IP
internalip=$(hostname -I)
echo -e '\E[33m'"Internal IP :" $tempvar $internalip
# Check External IP
externalip=$(curl -s;echo)
echo -e '\E[33m'"External IP : $tempvar "$externalip
# Check DNS
nameservers=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | sed '1 d' | awk '{print $2}')
echo -e '\E[33m'"Name Servers :" $tempvar $nameservers
# Check Logged In Users
echo -e '\E[33m'"Logged In users :" $tempvar && cat /tmp/who
# Check RAM and SWAP Usages
free -g | grep -v + > /tmp/ramcache
echo -e '\E[33m'"Ram Usages :" $tempvar
cat /tmp/ramcache | grep -v "Swap"
echo -e '\E[33m'"Swap Usages :" $tempvar
cat /tmp/ramcache | grep -v "Mem"
# Check Disk Usages
df -h > /tmp/diskusage
echo -e '\E[33m'"Disk Usages :" $tempvar
cat /tmp/diskusage
# System statistics
top -n 1 -b | head -5 > /tmp/sysstats
echo -e '\E[33m'"System Statistics :" $tempvar
cat /tmp/sysstats
# Check System Uptime
sysuptime=$(uptime | awk '{print $3,$4}' | cut -f1 -d,)
echo -e '\E[33m'"System Uptime Days/(HH:MM) :" $tempvar $sysuptime
# Check the ssh connections to the system
echo -e '\E[33m'"SSH connections made to the system :" $tempvar
w > /tmp/sshconn
cat /tmp/sshconn
# Unset Variables
unset tempvar os architecture kernelrelease internalip externalip nameserver loadaverage sysuptime
# Remove Temporary Files
rm /tmp/osrelease /tmp/who /tmp/ramcache /tmp/diskusage /tmp/sshconn /tmp/sysstats
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