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Forked from jordanlewis/gist:4392484
Created December 27, 2012 22:27
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(ns algo2.unionfind)
(defprotocol DisjointSet
"A data structure that maintains informations on a number of disjoint sets."
(add-singleton [this x] "Add the element x to a new singleton set")
(connect [this x y] "Union the sets that x and y are in")
(get-canonical [this x] "Return the canonical element of the set x is in"))
(defrecord UFNode [value rank parent])
(defrecord PersistentUFSet [elt-map]
(add-singleton [this x]
(assoc-in this [:elt-map x] (->UFNode x 0 nil)))
(get-canonical [this x]
(let [parent (:parent (elt-map x))]
(if (= parent nil) [this x]
(let [set (get-canonical this parent)]
(assoc-in set [0 :elt-map x :parent] (second set))))))
(connect [this x y]
(let [[x-set x-root] (get-canonical this x)
[y-set y-root] (get-canonical x-set y)
;; update elt-map to be the new one after get-canonical potentially changes it
elt-map (:elt-map y-set)
x-rank (:rank (elt-map x-root))
y-rank (:rank (elt-map y-root))]
(if (= x-root y-root) y-set
(cond (< x-rank y-rank) (assoc-in y-set [:elt-map x-root :parent] y-root)
(< y-rank x-rank) (assoc-in y-set [:elt-map y-root :parent] x-root)
:else (-> y-set
(assoc-in [:elt-map y-root :parent] x-root)
(assoc-in [:elt-map x-root :rank] (inc x-rank))))))))
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