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Forked from egamble/index-except.clj
Last active January 3, 2016 10:29
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(ns cljclass)
;; Various ways to solve the problem of transforming a vector to a vector of indices starting at zero, but
;; using an index of -1 for items for which (pred item) is true.
;; E.g. (index-except odd? [1 4 18 7 9 2 4 3]) => [-1 0 1 -1 -1 2 3 -1]
;; NB:
;; This is not the same as assigning indices and replacing the elements for which pred is true with -1.
;; E.g. (index-except odd? [1 2 3]) => [-1 0 -1] and not [-1 1 -1].
;; 1. mutating solution
(defn index-except [pred s]
(let [i (atom -1)]
(for [item s]
(if (pred item)
(swap! i inc))))))
;; 2. recursion growing the stack
(defn index-except-recur [pred s i]
(when (seq s)
(let [p (pred (first s))]
(cons (if p -1 i)
(index-except-recur pred
(rest s)
(if p i (inc i)))))))
(defn index-except [pred s]
(vec (index-except-recur pred s 0)))
;; 3. recursion with lazy-seq (doesn't grow the stack)
(defn index-except-recur [pred s i]
(when (seq s)
(let [p (pred (first s))]
(cons (if p -1 i)
(index-except-recur pred
(rest s)
(if p i (inc i))))))))
(defn index-except [pred s]
(vec (index-except-recur pred s 0)))
;; 4. optimized tail recursion (doesn't grow the stack)
(defn index-except-recur [pred s i acc]
(if (empty? s)
(let [p (pred (first s))]
(recur pred
(rest s)
(if p i (inc i))
(conj acc (if p -1 i))))))
(defn index-except [pred s]
(index-except-recur pred s 0 []))
;; 5. optimized tail recursion (doesn't grow the stack) with no helper function
(defn index-except [pred s]
(loop [pred pred s s i 0 acc []]
(if (empty? s)
(let [p (pred (first s))]
(recur pred
(rest s)
(if p i (inc i))
(conj acc (if p -1 i)))))))
;; 6. using the reduce function instead of recursion
(defn index-except [pred s]
(let [f (fn [[acc i] item]
(let [p (pred item)]
[(conj acc (if p -1 i))
(if p i (inc i))]))]
(first (reduce f [[] 0] s))))
;; 7. using the iterate function instead of recursion
(defn index-except [pred s]
(let [f (fn [[acc i s]]
(let [p (pred (first s))]
[(conj acc (if p -1 i))
(if p i (inc i))
(rest s)]))]
(-> (iterate f [[] 0 s])
(nth (count s))
;; 8. crazy, inefficient solution with map-indexed and a hash map
(defn index-except [pred s]
(let [m (->> s
(map-indexed #(do [%1 %2]))
(remove (fn [[_ v]] (pred v)))
(map-indexed #(do [(first %2) %1]))
(into {}))]
(take (count s)
(map #(m % -1) (range))))))
;; using reductions to manage state like reduce would, but lazily.
;; the state is a pair: "value to return/produce" and "index for the next matching element".
;; I always forget the (rest ...) part: (reductions f acc coll) always starts with just acc, which is usually junk.
(defn index-except [pred coll]
(map first
(rest (reductions (fn [[_ i] x]
(if (pred x)
[-1 i]
[i (inc i)]))
[nil 0], coll))))
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