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amalrik /
Created November 24, 2012 11:45 — forked from funny-falcon/
Performace patch for ruby-1.9.3-p327


  • this version includes backport of Greg Price's patch for speedup startup .

    ruby-core prefers his way to do thing, so that I abandon cached-lp and sorted-lf patches of mine.

  • this version integrates 'array as queue' patch, which improves performance when push/shift pattern is heavily used on Array.

    This patch is accepted into trunk for Ruby 2.0 and last possible bug is found by Yui Naruse. It is used in production* for a couple of months without issues even with this bug.

Rails Models

Generating models

$ rails g model User




amalrik / gist:6455567
Last active December 22, 2015 09:59 — forked from alotaiba/gist:913313
rsync -avz /path/to/local/sync/folder -e "ssh -i /path/to/ssh/id_rsa" ubuntu@ec2instance:/path/to/remote/sync/folder
# Setting up a local solr instance on a mac
# install solr with homebrew
brew install solr
# create the base solr index directory
mkdir -p /data/solr
# make sure you can write to the solr logs
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local/Cellar/solr/
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# 2011-10-10 20:57:53 +1000
def merge_sort(a)
return a if a.size <= 1
l, r = split_array(a)
result = combine(merge_sort(l), merge_sort(r))
amalrik /
Last active December 30, 2015 20:49
sudo service elasticsearch stop
### Check for latest version of ElasticSearch and replace wget link below
tar -xf elasticsearch-0.90.7.tar.gz
rm elasticsearch-0.90.7.tar.gz
sudo mv elasticsearch-0.90.7 /usr/local/elasticsearch/
cd /usr/local/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.90.7/
sudo ln -s <dir_data_do_es> data

Install Postgresql on Mountain Lion

Based on:

brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.1.4/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
amalrik /
Created January 20, 2014 22:07 — forked from nherment/
# herein we backup our indexes! this script should run at like 6pm or something, after logstash
# rotates to a new ES index and theres no new data coming in to the old one. we grab metadatas,
# compress the data files, create a restore script, and push it all up to S3.
TODAY=`date +"%Y.%m.%d"`
INDEXNAME="logstash-$TODAY" # this had better match the index name in ES
BACKUPCMD="/usr/local/backupTools/s3cmd --config=/usr/local/backupTools/s3cfg put"
YEARMONTH=`date +"%Y-%m"`

Exposing an API

APIs are becoming an essential feature of modern web applications. Rails does a good job of helping your application provide an API using the same MVC structure you're accustomed to.

In the Controller

Let's work with the following example controller:

class ArticlesController &lt; ApplicationController